Warning About Amino Acid Supplements
Posted 10 March 2014 - 06:34 PM
One of our members may have unintentionally brought on massive anxiety, panic, skin rash, etc. by taking the amino l-tyrosine in excessive amounts and without knowing what it does in the brain...
Tyrosine, theanine, tryptophan, GABA, dopa mucuna....and others in this category....are powerful agents for brain functions related to many/most of the symptoms we discuss here....
Please, DO NOT start taking any of them without first researching them extensively, checking them for interactions against every other med, amino, and vitamin you take....also checking with your doc, and asking for feedback here....
I, and some others, have made mention of them quite a bit, especially recently....I know that I've given examples of what I take...but what I take is referential to me only....and is based on hours of research and a relatively sophisticated knowledge of the neuro-chemistry of depression and related disorders...as well as what underlies my own aspects of them.
Please, DO NOT use what anyone else says they do wrt aminos....it is different for each individual...and requires very very careful research and use....used properly, I believe that they can be beneficial....used incorrectly, they can be harmful...
Lord knows, we all have enough problems with cymbalta as it is...no need to add to them!
- TryinginFL likes this
Posted 10 March 2014 - 06:44 PM
Well Said FN. I might suggest that same precaution be applied to any otc supplement. For example I am allergic to vit B and E. Very rare. My wife can't take most multi-vitamins because of the selenium and manganese in them. She took one Centrum Silver and wound up in the hospital. It took her 14 days to get back on her feet. The ER doctor immediately recognized the symptoms!! Says it happens about 1 or 2 times per month!! Can you believe it?
My policy on otc treatments is this... Research thouroughly and If I want to start a new supplement start with 1/8th the recommended dose and build from there. That way if I am going to have a problem it won't be so bad.
- Wagtail, Carleeta, FiveNotions and 1 other like this
Posted 10 March 2014 - 10:34 PM
I would like to blame the s/e from withdrawal for my insanity but I think in reality I was desperate for relief & blindly rushed in .
The past two days have been horrendous & I thought it was a flare up of s/e's, I actually felt like I was dying ..
I reached out to you two members for support & you did the hard yards by researching my posts & my medications , I was in such a fog that I could barely think let alone research anything .
How can I ever thank you both .
Considering that I live in Australia & our medications etc are different to yours , you have done incredibly well in sorting it all out .
As you suggested , I stopped taking the tyrosine immediately & today I gave my body & mind a break by not taking any vitamins , minerals or anything OTC .
It's 2.30pm here down under & I feel as if I am waking up from my nightmare already , hopefully in 48 hrs I will be feeling better.
I just wish I could put my arms around you both & give you a huge gratitude hug.
- fishinghat likes this
Posted 10 March 2014 - 10:43 PM
Wagtail I just gave out a sigh of relief...Take care my friend.
Get a good rest now from all you have gone through!
- Wagtail likes this
Posted 10 March 2014 - 10:51 PM
I have moved recently & left behind my GP of 27 yrs, although in saying that , I realize that he was negligent in the fact that he let me keep taking Cymbalta for 10 yrs even though I was suffering dreadful s/e's & required a lot of unnecessary tests.
Posted 10 March 2014 - 11:06 PM
I'm thinking if it were me in your place what would I do..I would call Dr's from a phone book and ask their nurses if they are familiar with cymbalta and their effects...I would call support groups in you area concerning anxiety, depression, etc..and ask them for names of Dr's in your area familiar with cymbalta and side effects. .I would call crisis hot lines and ask them if they are familiar with Dr's in your area who can help with this issue and ask them to call around for you..I would call every where I could possibly think of to get as much info as I could..
Honestly, Wagtail. .I am the type of person who would call all those places. .I would even ask a priest...Or a head of a church of your faith..
And if you can't to it..possibly one of your loved ones will..
If I lived in Australia I would be calling for you...
- Wagtail likes this
Posted 11 March 2014 - 12:20 AM
I know exactly what you mean about being so desperate I'll try anything to make it stop...I've been there more than once in my life...both during the past 13 weeks, and in the years long before....heck.....even St Therese of Liseux felt this way during her lingering death from tuberculosis...she, who is now a Doctor of the Church, begged the infirmary sisters to keep the morphine bottle well away from her, as she was so strongly tempted to drink it all and put an end to the pain.....
Xman posted in one of the forums just recently that she learned that ER doctors are the ones who know the most about cymbalta and the withdrawal effects....if I were looking for a doctor who knows, and practices privately (which I'm not, because at this point I don't have decent insurance and must take what I get at the local community clinic)... I'd first call the closest ER to get the names of their docs and find out if they, or someone they know, is familiar and takes private patients....
However, my bet is that at this point you probably know more than most docs...and may end up having to educate whichever one you end up choosing!
I agree with your decision to take a break from all supps. For the next few days....
Also, Spoil yourself rotten and get loads of rest....keep drinking the fluids....
if eggs appeal to your stomach (and you can accept that they have a lot of cholesterol)...having one..or even two...for breakfast..or during the day....is very nutritious....complete protein and easy to digest....and to swallow, given your sore mouth...
And keep us posted ....often...during the next couple of days....we're rooting for you!
- Wagtail likes this
Posted 11 March 2014 - 03:33 PM
Much better than this time yesterday thank goodness & thanks to you guys..
Nothing but good food is going to pass my lips today , I still feel yucky but I am going to try to think positive & keep myself busy so I don't think too much.
I don't have a lot of energy & still feel unwell but that's to be expected.
Hoping you're all feeling positive & well also .
Posted 11 March 2014 - 03:35 PM
God Bless you Wagtail. What an experience you had. I am ecstatic that you are beginning to feel better. Be prepared for better times ahead.
And good luck finding a good dr. You will probably need it .lol
FH , I tried to like this post but after 2 previous likes , it's saying I have reached my quota of likes already.
So consider yourself LIKED ..:-)
- fishinghat likes this
Posted 11 March 2014 - 04:04 PM
Good morning from down under FH , FN & Carleeta... Updating my recovery ..
Much better than this time yesterday thank goodness & thanks to you guys..
Nothing but good food is going to pass my lips today , I still feel yucky but I am going to try to think positive & keep myself busy so I don't think too much.
I don't have a lot of energy & still feel unwell but that's to be expected.
Hoping you're all feeling positive & well also . Wagtail. .you got it..Well stay positive. ..Now you just relax and eat all those good fruits, veggies, nuts, and proteins...
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