My wife went through brain surgery in 2004. Since then we have gone through many years of incredible headaches. Three years ago she went on a whole food diet which eliminated the headaches. 18 months ago she realized her limitations and went in for rehab. This included practical therapy and drug therapy. One psychiatrist was convinced that she had bipolar and put her on lithium. She has been changing psych drugs like clothes ever since, but the lithium remained. She had the bad side effects of all the psych drugs, so they were discontinued and new ones started. In October 2013 they added Cymbalta to the mix. Along with this they added ECT, electro convulsive therapy.
After dealing with crazy making symptoms, I finally started researching the problems. She went from being almost totally functional to seeming to have complete amnesia and zombie characteristics. This was considered an unusual side effect of ECT, so that was stopped before Christmas. The psychiatrist were scratching their heads. I did some research on drug interactions and found that lithium and Cymbalta were on a do not mix list. Incidentally three other meds that she was on was included. About Jan 2 we confronted her psychiatrist about it and found out how to wean off of lithium. By the way, second opinions determined that the first doc was wrong and she was not bipolar. The next major demon that we were dealing with is Cymbalta. They weaned her down from 120 mg, to 90, 60, and 30 on five day cycles. Her psychiatrist thinks we are crazy and that there is no problem with these meds. She has been off of it completely for about a week.
Five days ago we started the juice diet from "reboot with Joe" in an attempt to help the body deal with withdrawing. This was also an attempt to help the body eliminate all the crud that she had been ingesting. It is hard to say if this has worked. Currently she is going through episodes of extreme depression, crying, feelings of worthlessness, and saying that life is not worth living. She is taking Ativan to help with the symptoms, 1 mg 3x daily and taking 30 mg of Prozac to help with withdrawl from Cymbalta.
I am at wits end. How long does this normally last?