Fishinghat. ..Great way to spend 'that ' quality time with each other. ..Thank you for sharing your positive, wonderful, and enjoyable time together...yippeeee. ....Well my wife and I took off on Wednesday and spent a day and a half shopping in St.Louis. We also ate way too much good fattening food. We then went to Chicago and spent 2 days there shopping and feeding like pigs at a trough. lol And a good time was had by all.
Listing The Positive Events Daily Through My Cymbalta Withdrawl
Posted 04 May 2014 - 07:42 PM
Posted 04 May 2014 - 07:55 PM
No TFL. A few too many people there for me!! And I am not really a sports fan.
My favorite sport? Keeping company with the wife. When we are out shopping we act like a couple teenagers. Joking, laughing and a little silly.
- equuswoman, Wagtail, TryinginFL and 1 other like this
Posted 04 May 2014 - 08:02 PM
No TFL. A few too many people there for me!! And I am not really a sports fan.
My favorite sport? Keeping company with the wife. When we are out shopping we act like a couple teenagers. Joking, laughing and a little silly.
Fishinghat , we like the same sport !.
When I feel well we love to hit the shops & have some fun ...:-)
Posted 04 May 2014 - 08:26 PM
I went to our grandson Charlie's 3rd birthday party yesterday & it felt great.
My 3 children their spouses & our 6 grandchildren were all there as well & to have my family all together under the same roof @ the same time is a rare occurrence.
The excitement was contagious .
I have to report that I have had four days in a row of feeling good with minimal s/e's , it makes me tear up just thinking about it .
I suppose the positive to come out of our journeys is that feeling normal will never be taken for granted ever again.
The side effects did return last night when I got home from the party , in the form of burning skin & pins & needles all down my left side & my left foot, also the chemical taste in my throat & mouth but they have gone this morning.
Must have released a lot of adrenalin from my happy excitement .
It's almost 6 months now since I went from 60mgs to zero in 4 weeks so I'm guessing that in another month or so I should be back to my former old self.
I will always be grateful to my American friends who pulled me from the edge & dragged me or I should say carried me through to the other side of Hell.
I will NEVER forget any of you & you all know who you are... I don't want to name names in the fear of forgetting someone . You all played a part & for that I thank you .
I intend to log on regularly just to keep in touch & touch wood that I won't need it but just in case I need help in the future. I know without a shadow of a doubt that you special guys will be lurking somewhere in the background just in case you're needed.
I think with the combined knowledge that you all have , and that is a great deal more than the DOCTORS .. That we owe it to the ones that will inevitably follow us .
I will risk it by mentioning a few of you , fishinghat, Fivenotions, Thismoment , Carleeta, Equuswoman ..... As a group you save lives !.:-)
If I didn't mention you , I'm so sorry but you know I mean everyone ...Gail, Xman ..... Ummmmmmm my brain is still repairing .
- fishinghat, thismoment, gail and 4 others like this
Posted 05 May 2014 - 12:09 AM
You sound great! Congratulations!
You have turned a positive corner, but it has been fairly recent. The big waves are gone, and there will still be ripples for a while, so don't be surprised or too disappointed if you still get a down day or two. Rest on those days, should they appear.
You are out of the woods and cruising! Best wishes!
Posted 05 May 2014 - 05:20 AM
I positively love to watch Super Soul Sunday mornings with Oprah on the OWN Network. Yesterday is still resonating w/me. She interviews spiritual leaders, all kinds of ppl., teachers. Talks about their journeys and what it takes to get thru the difficult times and what these challenging times mean.
Love is usually the answer in almost every situation. We are here to help one another out, brightening our little corners of the world. Love, hope, gratitude. This morning I am grateful I have found YOU.
- Wagtail and clearglass like this
Posted 05 May 2014 - 07:15 PM
Best of luck to you....
- Wagtail and TryinginFL like this
Posted 05 May 2014 - 07:41 PM
Hope everyone escapes this 24 hour bug...It's no picnic....Just remember to always have ginger ale, crackers, and pineapple juice on hand......
Stay well everyone....!
- xman likes this
Posted 05 May 2014 - 11:32 PM
You have me intrigued ... Pineapple juice ??????
I usually have ginger ale & crackers but never heard of the positives of pineapple juice...
It's a beautiful sunny day here also & hard to be inside ... I've had a few very good days too but today is a relapse day I'm afraid , but that's ok & expected .
I've done all my chores & driven to the shops & now back home & taking it easy .
Tomorrow is going to be a good one I can feel it in my bones ... Big smirk on face !!!! :-))
- clearglass and xman like this
Posted 06 May 2014 - 08:29 PM
Wagtail. ..I have no idea what the benefits to pineapple juice lol lol...My Aunt swears by it and we all follow in lol lol..Seems to lol...Oh yes, I had needed cymbalta in my life for a terrible car accident I was in and after the loss of my sister, then again after the loss of my parents...I was always a happygolucky person, which is just my nature...I have been on the depression side at those times and had cymbalta along with other depressents....Life could throw a curve ball now and then! So happy I don't need antidepressents any longer...Yes I help out my friends and family as much as I can....and ty for the compliment. ..Carleeta you are such a good friend , it's hard to believe that you ever needed CRAPALTA in the first place.
You have me intrigued ... Pineapple juice ??????
I usually have ginger ale & crackers but never heard of the positives of pineapple juice...
It's a beautiful sunny day here also & hard to be inside ... I've had a few very good days too but today is a relapse day I'm afraid , but that's ok & expected .
I've done all my chores & driven to the shops & now back home & taking it easy .
Tomorrow is going to be a good one I can feel it in my bones ... Big smirk on face !!!! :-))
- TryinginFL likes this
Posted 07 May 2014 - 08:54 AM
should I post this in positives...I am up and alive but am dreading getting out. I put myself in this position and that's that. I must get in the shower and do what I said I was going to do!
Sleep was elusive and when I did sleep, my elderly dog barked for me to help her get up. I don't mind this though, she is a dear family member. So I guess I am positively going to make it.
- TryinginFL likes this
Posted 07 May 2014 - 10:25 AM
Oh Wagtail, I could have written your post.
Had 4 maybe 5 good days, and like you, I feel the tide coming in. Less worse though.
And yes, normal days will never be taken for granted after having been through the hell we've been.
Thanks thismoment for reminding us that we will be having some of those down days again.
- Wagtail likes this
Posted 07 May 2014 - 12:28 PM
On the bad days may God hold you tight and give you strength.
- Wagtail, gail and TryinginFL like this
Posted 07 May 2014 - 03:01 PM
- TryinginFL likes this
Posted 07 May 2014 - 03:14 PM
I think it's counterproductive to have a 'finish date' in mind. Take it day by day. Things will continue to improve, but there isn't a clean-cut finish line where you say, "Glad that's finally over!"
It just fades away and fades away, and we can help it fade away by paying attention to other things.
- gail, TryinginFL, clearglass and 1 other like this
Posted 07 May 2014 - 04:08 PM
Chin up my dear. Here's a short poem I like, and I hope you like it too.
How could I be so lost,
In a place I know so well?
How could I be so broken,
In a family so together?
How could I be so lonely,
Surrounded by so many?
How could I be so unhappy,
Surrounded by so much beauty?
How could I be me,
When even I remain a mystery?
Cath Glasgow
- clearglass and xman like this
Posted 07 May 2014 - 04:18 PM
Chin up my dear. Here's a short poem I like, and I hope you like it too.
How could I be so lost,In a place I know so well?How could I be so broken,In a family so together?How could I be so lonely,Surrounded by so many?How could I be so unhappy,Surrounded by so much beauty?How could I be me,When even I remain a mystery?
Cath Glasgow[/size]
Food for thought !..:-)
Posted 07 May 2014 - 04:21 PM
I can remember standing in my shower & hanging onto the glass to steady myself saying to myself .." I can do this " & I did . One step @ a time .
Good for you ..:-)
- thismoment, gail, TryinginFL and 1 other like this
Posted 07 May 2014 - 05:04 PM
God Bless,
- thismoment likes this
Posted 09 May 2014 - 02:38 PM
Here's my positive .... I think I've entered a new phase of recovery from crapalta.... I'm cleaning out drawers, closets, cedar chests, bookshelves...everything....while on the poison I did some very odd, excessive mostly...I'm not going to let myself add up how much money I wasted....all good stuff, but none of it needed....I just took arm loads of clothing and bed linens to the "give away" table in my apartment building's laundry room .... I blessed it all and told the Lord to give it to someone who could use it/needed it ....we have quite a few lower income families in the building, and things always find a new owner ... and I fired off an email to a friend of mine who's a voracious reader....with a list of all the books I'm giving away...all excellent stuff, but I'll never get around to reading them all.....and I offered all the jewelry I'll never wear to the lady in my dry cleaner's shop who loves to wear the stuff....
And I still have boxes and shelves and cupboards to weed out....Good Lord.....
I was a crazy person for so many years ...drinking massive amounts of alcohol, binge shopping, lousy personal hygiene.....eeew, aargh, yuck........
I hate this drug, and I will never stop being grateful that I got off it....and I will never stop repeating that I could not have done it without all of you here who helped me, moment by moment...
- thismoment, Carleeta, gail and 3 others like this
Posted 09 May 2014 - 05:40 PM
Wow! FiveNotions! Yay, yay, yay! I was right there with you on most of that negative crap! So glad to be free for you and me! Keep up the positives!!!!!
- TryinginFL likes this
Posted 09 May 2014 - 06:50 PM hang in there...yes some days seem so unbearable...especially when you experience the good days...When a bad day comes in its sort of like you are hit with a bombshell..
TryinginFL. hang in there also. ..Wishing you some happy days to come..
Wagtail...As for you, I know you are handling things much better these days. .
Wishing you all prayers and thoughts to ALL of YOU!
- TryinginFL likes this
Posted 09 May 2014 - 06:53 PM
P.S. I am still having trouble typing posts and cannot access emoticons - does anyone have a solution?
- clearglass likes this
Posted 10 May 2014 - 08:26 AM
xman - thanks so much - seems the problem has been solved! I have never had this happen before - only on this site...
Carleeta - I thank you for your much needed support - you are a marvel!
Woke up this am feeling not quite so depressed and am going to church this afternoon - I will keep all of you, my dear friends, in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you all a "good day"
Posted 11 May 2014 - 11:29 AM
Found Super Soul Sunday this morning and watched and learned as Arianne Huffington spoke about inner-space and spirit.
Happy Mother's Day to all you moms here! And to all two legged, four legged, neighborhood moms, surrogate mothers, past and present.
- Carleeta, TryinginFL and clearglass like this
Posted 15 May 2014 - 07:33 AM
I slept straight through the night last night ... well, one bathroom run, but went right back to sound sleep.... from 11 pm until 7:30 am.....I even had dreams...not weird, just boring routine, normal....and I feel rested...genuinely rested....
The very first night of solid, good sleep in almost 6 months.....
- Clara, gail, TryinginFL and 2 others like this
Posted 17 May 2014 - 04:52 PM
Hello Everyone,
I finished my 1st week at work and I'm feeling so good. I'm so tired when I get home a settle in, I don't have time to check in. It is a good tired.
Wagtail, I love your new profile photo. You have a beautiful smile.
FiveNotions, I'm glad to hear you slept through the night. (Sleep is a wonderful friend.)
Always in my prayers and thoughts.
- xman likes this
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