Listing The Positive Events Daily Through My Cymbalta Withdrawl
Posted 12 April 2014 - 07:05 PM
The only downside to this is...I need to stay a few more nights where I presently am..
The great positive too all this is; I have all my comfort surroundings back...It's starting to feel like I'm back home..yippeeee
- clearglass likes this
Posted 12 April 2014 - 08:47 PM
Also positively posts I'm making to others posts are not showing up..
I want to thank you TryinginFL for your heartfelt post to me on another thread...Thank you too for your prayers for all of us! TryinginFL you are a wonderful loving individual.
Posted 13 April 2014 - 03:13 PM
I have been eating lots of vegetables every day & having cider vinegar with hot water & honey , first thing in the morning.
Coincidence or not , I am enjoying some good health for a change so I am happy about that . :-))))
Just, to not have my butt stuck to the lounge for 10 hrs a day is a "HUGE POSITIVE " ... & much better than ending up with a " HUGE BUTT ."
I'm watching the sun rise here on the Central Coast of NSW , Australia & although it's predicted showers , I am feeling like little miss Sunshine .
There seems to be light @ the end of a very long tunnel my good friends.. Hope for all of us .
It seems that we all heal @ our own pace & even though I still have uncomfortable s/e's , they are things that I can live with if the need be.
Posted 13 April 2014 - 03:30 PM
In short it said, that I am feeling much better & think that I am on the slippery slope towards recovery .
I had a good weekend & managed to tick a few jobs off my " to do " list ... More energy & motivation, could be something to do with eating lots of fresh vegetables every day & having cider vinegar in hot water with a teaspoon of honey every morning on rising.
Coincidence or not, I will continue with this until I am recovered.
My husband is silently feeling happy that he might be getting his old/ new ( oxymoron ) woman back ha ha scared be VERY SCARED ..
There seems to be light @ the end of a very long tunnel @ last, I still have s/e's but although uncomfortable , I can bear them @ least.
It feels so good to have some energy & motivation & to get my arse off the lounge for a change... Before that arse becomes HUGE !.
Hopefully I can post in the POSITIVE FORUM again tomorrow.. Xxx
- thismoment and FiveNotions like this
Posted 14 April 2014 - 09:19 AM
Wagtail. ..yippee. ....You did a great job! You went slow enough to not over do it...Keep going at a lower pace and each day you might knock another errand off your list....Positively positive ..... I've had three good days & felt wonderful ( for someone post Cymbalta ) . I ticked a lot off my " to do " list over the weekend. My dear husband has a smile on his dial & I think he is just slightly hopeful that he has his " old / new " woman back .
I have been eating lots of vegetables every day & having cider vinegar with hot water & honey , first thing in the morning.
Coincidence or not , I am enjoying some good health for a change so I am happy about that . :-))))
Just, to not have my butt stuck to the lounge for 10 hrs a day is a "HUGE POSITIVE " ... & much better than ending up with a " HUGE BUTT ."
I'm watching the sun rise here on the Central Coast of NSW , Australia & although it's predicted showers , I am feeling like little miss Sunshine .
There seems to be light @ the end of a very long tunnel my good friends.. Hope for all of us .
It seems that we all heal @ our own pace & even though I still have uncomfortable s/e's , they are things that I can live with if the need be.
Posted 14 April 2014 - 09:31 AM
Wagtail.....Hooooraay!! You have come a long way and you will make it! So happy to hear the news
I still have problems with motivation and have so much I should do it makes me feel worse to think about it - everything in time! It will wait for us, I'm sure.
Looking forward to hearing more positives from you - take good care of yourself!
Hugs and Prayers,
- thismoment likes this
Posted 14 April 2014 - 09:37 AM
The weather is positively in the 80 ' s these last few days...went from 50 to! Of course we will be dropping back to the 50 ' s for a few days and then jump up to the 60's....It's positively been one of those crazy winters and springy lol
Going to the doctor today to positively get my ear unplugged...It's been like this for a month and needed to use drops 2 a day...Half of it ended up all over lol...Finally the day arrived where it should be clear and I'll find out when I lol lol..
Curtains hung and 50% of my kitchen is almost all put away...yippeeee. ..It's been crazy and so much more to do...I've been so exhausted and so highly anxious...
Funny story here...The Cable company was unable to get my cable and wireless hooked up the day the movers arrived...Omg, I totally flipped...I 'told' my son to call them asap! He just looked at lol...He did call lol..He actually told them his mother 'just turned Crazy...He actually told them lol lol....They jumped the date from 2 weeks away to 5 days lol...The poor movers were just walking on egg shells after I lol...Took 10 min then I told them I was ok now. lol...They were actually the sweetest lol...We all laughed about it after lol....And of course, I felt sorry for the poor cable lol....Just picture a hot headed Italian...That was lol
It's positively been an lol
Posted 14 April 2014 - 11:51 AM
Hi. You said, "I still have problems with motivation and have so much I should do it makes me feel worse to think about it. . ."
Don't worry. There's an old adage that goes something like this, "How do you eat a bus? Answer: One bolt at a time!" The problem is, we are overwhelmed by looking at the bus as we imagine having to eat it all in one go. Can't be done- it's too big.
Perhaps you "feel worse to think about it" because you are imagining having to do it all today, and if you can't get it all done you can't start. I get it.
Imagine the bus is made of chocolate (or some other favourite treat), and it's all broken down into little nuts-and-bolt-sized pieces and spread out in a great line a half mile long. And there's a rule: YOU MAY EAT ONLY ONE CHOCOLATE PIECE PER DAY. Could you do that? Of course you could.
Just do ONE thing. Make that commitment. And put a reward at the end of the task: I'm going to do this small job (might take a half hour) then I'm going to have a cup of tea.
And TryinginFL, stay out of the future. It's a place we can make pretty scary with obstacles, pitfalls, and replayed difficulties from the past. Just deal with this ONE item in the present
- TryinginFL likes this
Posted 14 April 2014 - 05:53 PM
Positively wonderful to be able to hear crystal clear out of my right lol...The ear drops had me plugged up for 4 lol...ENT went in and poof, cleared out my ear...painless also...yippeeee. .
Didn't get too much done at my home tonight, although had my son put away three large items on higher shelves for me.. (I take every opportunity when my son's around to get the bulky things out of the way) lol
It's positively been a wonderful and productive day....
- GinnyKim61 likes this
Posted 14 April 2014 - 08:36 PM
Fishinghat. ..omg we are expecting snow tomorrow also...ugh! It was 85 or 87 77 and tomorrow 40....You too are getting a cold front again...Crazy weather! ..Yup no garden till May in our area anyway....Hope you were joking about your garden! If not, it saddens me that you put all that work into it. ..If you do have a garden, I hope you covered your plants (glass jars or heavy duty plastic cover)...I am glad for you Carleeta. Today it snowed here again and will get down to 23 tonight. Say goodbye garden!!! lol
Posted 15 April 2014 - 08:16 AM
Fishinghat. .It's sad you seriously lost half your garden..I know what you feel when you want to start the garden early...I feel the same way!...No joke Carleeta. Almost half my garden up (or was up anyway). But it is my fault , I knew it could happen but I took a chance anyway. Last year at this time I was picking greens (spinach, lettuce, etc) but this year not so much. lol
Posted 15 April 2014 - 11:34 AM
Positively going to my new home to get a few things done. ..even if it's a few, I'm definitely going forward to get things done...In spite of high anxiety! I'm going to feel this way anyway, so why not be productive!
- gail and FiveNotions like this
Posted 15 April 2014 - 12:03 PM
Snow? In April? I am positively corn-fused! lol Clareeta, with a nickname like "Ice-breaker" this may come in handy should there be ice and snow today in your region of the world~~ ahahaha. Only kidding. My dear Carleeta. I have trouble picturing you the hot-headed Italian! Congratulations on the successful move and all the effort you had to expend in the moving process! OMG-I honestly don't know if I could take on such a project right now. You are such an inspiration to us all. Wagtail is going to find her Curves Down Under. That is very cool!
I made it thru a grueling weekend at work. Met with the Chaplain for the 2nd time in my life. She and I are going to start a project together...I am positively looking forward to this as it gives me hope that I can (maybe) make a difference, albeit small...
Hi Liz!! ClearGlass, ThisMoment, FH, Gail, Fivenotions, hmm. Ok, well see my memory is positively improving, but I have a long way to go and a short time to get there!
Cheers from Texas, where the sky is blue and the bluebonnets are bluer!
- TryinginFL likes this
Posted 15 April 2014 - 03:27 PM
I can feel my body repairing itself , slowly but surely . I have some pains that were not there previously, but I am sure that that will sort itself out eventually .
Suddenly My hips hurt when I stand up & walk , I think this could be from sitting around so much during my recovery.
It's Easter this weekend so I went shopping yesterday & bought easter eggs for the grandchildren , it's also school holidays so the shopping centre was packed with very noisy children .
Normally this would overwhelm me but yesterday it didn't & I actually enjoyed a lovely afternoon of shopping. No anxiety attack or feeling breathless....yeahhhh DEFINATELY a positive.
I have a son who is on business in Kuala Lumpa for a week , a daughter & her family flying to Fiji for a holiday & another daughter & her family going away camping for a week . Normally , as a mother I would be full of concern for their safety but I am managing to stay calm & not worry about them too much . This is unusual for me , so that's another positive & a sign that I AM HEALING mentally as well .
Wow guys, there really is a life after withdrawing from CYMBALTA CRAP !..
I can tell from all your posts, that everyone of you are mending as well .
Footnote: I have been overloading myself with good healthy vegetables everyday , lots of spinach, broccoli, cauliflower , snap peas & carrots & pumpkin.
Also taking, fish oil, vit D , Vit C,Folic acid, vit B12 & iron
Don't know if this has helped but it can't hurt.
Thinking of each & everyone of you every day .
Stay strong everyone... Xxxx
- gail, TryinginFL, clearglass and 1 other like this
Posted 15 April 2014 - 04:09 PM
I stole your idea and I bought some honey add to my vinegar tonic...that's another thing I've noticed about cymbalta withdrawal....all my taste preferences have changed...several times, in fact...during the first few weeks I couldn't stand anything sweet, but craved tart and I'm craving sweet tastes like honey and fruit...but still can't eat candy or chocolate....and man, Easter is a primo time for those last two items....maybe by the time the Easter candy is on sale I'll have gotten that hankering back....hehehe...
I love your phrase "I can feel my body repairing itself" ..... Getting my sense of my body back has been one of the greatest gifts of life after crapalta!
- clearglass likes this
Posted 15 April 2014 - 04:22 PM
Wagtail and FN... I have started drinking this cocktail every morning as well, but I have to go easy on the vinegar or I can't drink it! I also add 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon. Not sure what this is supposed to do for us (if I did know, I forgot!) but have been told that the vinegar is supposed to be good for arthritis. I shall wait and see...
But talk about your tastes changing...just can't handle too much vinegar - almost makes me nauseous! now
- gail and clearglass like this
Posted 15 April 2014 - 05:11 PM
Fishinghat and Carleeta....did you send some of your lousy weather here to DC? The first part of today was torrential rain and mid 60' it's dropped into the high 40's and still dropping...the rain feels like it's about to freeze....I'm positively freezing and grumpy!
Posted 15 April 2014 - 05:27 PM
Serotonin/tryptophan connection mentioned . . .
This is an interesting discussion about ACV from the Social Anxiety Forum....
- Wagtail likes this
Posted 15 April 2014 - 05:31 PM
FN....thank you for the arthritis answer! It is so bad sometimes that I have a terrible time walking because my lower back and hips hurt so much - I found out that driving for 2 hours the other day made it much worse. I also have much pain in my neck and shoulders - it is to the point that I don't know what is the arthritis and what is the fibro!
Tomorrow is my massage therapy which is very helpful and I try not to do anything else for the rest of the day.
Sorry for all of you that are getting that nasty weather! Ugh!!! I remember when I lived outside of Chicago we actually had snow for Easter - kinda like now... Do I dare say that it is 80 here now ....and FH - so sorry about your garden!
Wagtail -- so happy for your good news and finally some positive feelings!
Carleeta - Bless your new home - you are really getting it together quickly! I moved to this family house which I inherited not long after I lost my daughter (almost 5 yrs ago now) and still have boxes in the garage - lol Guess there's nothing there that I need desperately!
Xman - happy that you have "blue skies" - and in more ways than one!
Love, hugs and Prayers to all,
- xman likes this
Posted 15 April 2014 - 05:58 PM
Drinking to Cure: Apple Cider Vinegar and Cherry Juice for Arthritis?
This isn't an article, but a collection of links to info about the ACV arthritis connection...also, we had an interesting discussion here a while back about tart cherry juice as a remedy for withdrawal... https://www.cymbalta...l=+tart +cherry
The healing powers of vinegar
Medicinal Use of Papaya fruit
- TryinginFL likes this
Posted 15 April 2014 - 06:01 PM
- TryinginFL likes this
Posted 16 April 2014 - 08:27 AM
"Fishinghat and Carleeta....did you send some of your lousy weather here to DC? The first part of today was torrential rain and mid 60' it's dropped into the high 40's and still dropping...the rain feels like it's about to freeze....I'm positively freezing and grumpy!"
FN, I am so glad that you are back to normal from the cymbalta.!!! lol
Posted 16 April 2014 - 08:51 AM
"Fishinghat and Carleeta....did you send some of your lousy weather here to DC? The first part of today was torrential rain and mid 60' it's dropped into the high 40's and still dropping...the rain feels like it's about to freeze....I'm positively freezing and grumpy!"
FN, I am so glad that you are back to normal from the cymbalta.!!! lol
Well, since I have no idea what "normal" is .... I'll happily take your word for it that I'm back to it! ;-)
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