I spent 3 days removing 3 beads, and this is the first day I've spent removing 5. I don't feel good at all. The first symptoms were bad enough, but it seems more are piling on. So far, everything is manageable, but I really just don't feel good at all.
I'm going to try to find an Omega3 that is non-fish based to help with the head stuff, and start taking probiotics to help ease the tummy symptoms.
I'm already supplementing 2000iu of Vit D & a 1mg B multi, and drinking from 2-3 ltrs of water per day.
Any ideas how to handle the malaise & exhaustion, the distraction? The symptoms are making it difficult to work up to my potential.
FWIW, my symptoms haven't gotten worse between the 3 and the 5 bead shift.