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Class Action Lawsiut against Eli Lilly for Cymbalta?

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#151 lady2882Nancy



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Posted 06 April 2013 - 10:35 PM

Welcome CDJ6644

There is lots here to read and lots of good people here too. For some good information on getting off the Crapalta (btw that's TM lady2882 lol) go over the "Are you new here". There seems to be more joining this site all the time.

I am Day 10 Crapalta free and starting to feel a little better thanks to this site and all the wonderful people who took the time to post here.

It's so good to know we're not alone and its  a great place to vent too.

Take care of you


#152 laurajane57



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Posted 25 April 2013 - 07:43 PM

Dave9c please don't be anrgy I'm not one whom Cymbalta helped It made my pain worse to the point I couldn't walk very well When I started and even after months I was told that Cymbalta worked wonders for pain control I was never told about the hell I would go through if I didn't take this drug I found this out when I ran out and couldn't get anymore for several weeks If it takes a lawsuit to get Eli Lilly to include harmful withdrawal symptoms then that is what we as a group must do My symptoms were so bad my family was ready to kick me out Should we be the ones to be punished or should the drug company be held responsible for their neglect and from what I have been seeing Cymbalta hasn't helped very many people

#153 lady2882Nancy



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Posted 25 April 2013 - 09:00 PM


There are many who seem to think that we are ungrateful for all the "Help" this drug was supposed to be to us. They simply refuse to face the fact that some of us were not helped at all by it and in fact, were harmed by it.

I don't care at all about get huge sums of money from Eli Lilly, but I would like to have the costs of my recovery from it back.

But even more than that I would like to see a complete study of all the people who are or have been on this med and what has happened to them. One question I would really like answered is 'Why does it seem that there are a rather surprising number of women in their 40's and up who have developed such deep depression that they became suicidal and why isn't there warnings that this may happen.

Maybe it has helped more than it has hurt, but the ones that it has hurt should not be ignored or swept under the carpet out of sight. People need to know all about this drug before they take it not just the hyp Eli Lilly has published. I really hope that somehow this happens.


dave9c joined this forum and made that one post and then never even logged back in to see the answers he received.

His posting was hurtful and upsetting for many but he did not really want to know why we felt a lawsuit is needed, he just assumed that we all wanted money. The sad thing is that he did not even take the time to find out that many of us were not helped at all before he posted his comments.

dave has probably completely forgotten about his comment here. I hope that he does not end up being a victim of cymbalta because he didn't spend a little time here that day.


Take care of you

#154 maudelady07



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    I am joining because Cymbalta has ostensibly ruined my life because of the withdrawal symptoms. I am trying to cope and would like to help others cope.

Posted 06 May 2013 - 02:40 PM

My withdrawls from this drug so far tell me one thing...this is a very dangerous drug that has caused a mass effect on the people trying to get off of it. It is very debilitating to get off of this drug...yet I was given no information when I started taking this drug other than "eat it with a full meal in the morning". THAT'S IT! How harmless right!?I didn't bargain for this...and I don't even know how it's still being given out to people. It's being given out to people with diabetic neuropathy and chronic pain now...with no warnings about how you were going to feel (extremely, extremely horrible)when trying to get off of it and no evidence that it actually works for chronic pain. I started taking it for depression, but if I ever knew that I was going to feel this horrible while trying to get off of it...I never, ever would have gotten on it in the first place. I don't even know how this drug made it through clinical trials with so many people reporting such a similar set of symptoms upon cessation of taking this drug. Just like every other drug company, Eli Lilly should be held responsible...it has to take accountability for unleasing this beast among an unknowing public. There should be a warning label on Cymbalta, a dire warning about the exreme verigo, vomiting, "head zaps", and it's ability to completely incapacitate it's users when they attempt to stop takng it.

#155 PacificTreeFrog



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Posted 06 May 2013 - 11:08 PM

Class-action complaint filed against Eli Lilly/Cybalta in Oct. 2012 by Keller Rohrback et al law firm.  See www.krcomplexlit.com for the actual text of complaint. The wheels of justice turn painfully slowly and they have just begun the legal process of confronting Lilly and holding them accountable, so hang in there, everyone. But check this out: if it's for real, I promise you will feel empowered. Take heart, maybe this madness can be stopped.


Best wishes to all.


#156 jewel1



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Posted 11 June 2013 - 01:07 PM

This is all very interesting. I went on cymbalta for pain in my low back and neck. I've never been on an anti depressant before. I had absolutly no idea that I would have withdrawal symptoms when I came off. I weaned off from 60 mg to 30 mg and then off as perscribed by my doctor. He never told me about any withdrawal probably because he wasn't aware.

I've missed several days of work with no pay. I've had to order food in for my kids as I feel dizzy and nauseous and not functioning like myself. I'm afraid to drive because of my symptoms.

I've been told by my family that I should sue the company for my loss and suffering. I'm going to google Erin Brokovich  and email her under the Cymbalta tab. I want to help get this evil drug off the market.

I just want to be me again.

#157 jewel1



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Posted 11 June 2013 - 01:17 PM

I just sent a note off to Erin Brochovich about my experience with cymbalta. I am from Canada so I don't know if it will count but thanks for the information.


Hi Melly. I'm also from Canada...Ontario. And going through all the same symptoms as everyone else. I read that if I went on the Erin Brochovich site there would be a tab for Cymbalta but I didn't find it. I would like to participate in getting this horrible drug off the market.

#158 mhschmitt57



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    I NEED help in weaning off this horrible drug! I feel like a drug addict in what is going on. I guess you can call us that, because that is what we are, thanks to Lilly....my age is 55. Just didn't want my birth date there..

Posted 21 June 2013 - 09:08 AM

I also  think this nasty, nasty drug should be off the market.   I approached my doctor abut going off of it in Nov 2012. She wanted me to wait until Spring because depression is usually worse in the winter. I also have fibromyalgia. I wish I started then because I feel I am wasting my summer. I was on 60mg for more than 5 years. It was hard to get on and I feel like a drug addict trying to get off. It has been about 3 weeks. On june 1st I started taking 30mg. On the 8th I started ever other day with it. Still am doing that. I have a horrible feeling in my head most of the time..Dizzy,.I am very itchy and have nausea.Sometimes kind of shaky, brainfog.. Yesterday I was having hot flashes like crazy and it's not menopause cause I wasn't getting them like that before.Some heart palpatations. This is a nasty, nasty drug. My doctor didn't think I would have a hard time going off, when I said I was afraid because of what I read. I think she needs to research the drugs more. I think drug companies should be liable for what they do to people...I am glad I am no working right now, I wouldn't be able to! I also wanted to add, it didn't help with my aches and pains.

#159 mhschmitt57



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    I NEED help in weaning off this horrible drug! I feel like a drug addict in what is going on. I guess you can call us that, because that is what we are, thanks to Lilly....my age is 55. Just didn't want my birth date there..

Posted 21 June 2013 - 09:41 AM

I also want to add to my previous post that I have bad headaches. Why should we have to be like drug addicts coming off of drugs..God help us! I think I may try taking beads out like that one lady suggested....

#160 lady2882Nancy



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Posted 21 June 2013 - 04:57 PM

The bead counting way is much easier to do than any other way and I am beginning to see that for most people it is far safer than cold turkey.

Unfortunately this drug really should not have been given to some of us and I question the safety of it overall.


I am waiting for the day that the ads start on TV "If you ever took Cymbalta, please contact us at .................."

#161 AdrianU



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Posted 18 July 2013 - 10:44 AM

I've been on Cymbalta for a few years now and I would really like to get off this crap. I haven't taken it in two days and I have the worst headache ever. I have tried to stop in the past and I thought  the symptoms i was getting was just getting sick or just started to get bad migraines. Now I know that it's not that at all, And now that I read all these post I am scared as hell to get off this stuff. If I would of known that getting off this drug was going to be a living hell I never would of agreed to take it. I do thank all of you for all this information. I was going to try this on my own but it does not seem like that is a very smart thing to do. If anyone has any more info for me to help me get off please reply to me.

#162 fishinghat


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 11:52 AM

Bead counting for sure. Cymbalta has a short half life. If you stop all at once the withdrawal really hits you hard and heavy. Open one of your capsules and remove 5 of the small beads and take the capsule when the next one is due. The following day open a capsule and remove 10 of the small beads, each day remove 5 beads more than the day before. This is slow but gives your body time to adjust. I finished mine up in Feb. and tell you you can do it too. Hang in there. 

#163 allyssasmommy



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    i hate cymbalta it worked great for my ppd but now i am all better

Posted 31 July 2013 - 11:41 PM

You people make me sick. Cymbalta has probably helped you cope with a very difficult time in your life. Now, all you can think about is how to sue Eli Lilly for providing the medication you needed when yoy needed it. Lets make some money off of this company. They can afford to pay. So what if there are withdrawal symptoms. Big deal. That's gratitude for you and that's the American way.

yes it did help me but i would have never taken it if i knew that i was going to have debilitating migraines im not a suing person at all i just want help on  getting off of this and now i have extra chiropractor and acupuncturist visits bc of the med with my migranes

#164 FiveNotions



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Posted 26 June 2014 - 01:02 PM

There is a wonderful law firm in California that has taken on Cymbalta withdrawal...."discontinuation syndrome"..... on our behalf.....on behalf of not just those of us who come here to this forum for support, but on behalf of all those who have suffered, are still suffering, from the nightmare effects of getting off this poison.

They have seen what this drug does first-hand....the wife of one of their partners went through the hard, extended withdrawal hell that we are dealing with!

Contact them, please!

Here is the link to the notice they've just posted to this forum:


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