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#781 fishinghat


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Posted 06 July 2018 - 07:01 PM

What dose are you on now with the Zoloft Bearfan?

#782 Bearfan



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Posted 06 July 2018 - 07:28 PM

I started 75mg on July 1st. Gonna start 100mg on the 8th. Yeah, feeling really terrible. Sucks. Brain zaps weren't too bad and aren't noticeable now. But man, everything else is bad. Can tell I'm still in withdrawal mode because of these awful vivid dreams and nightmares I'm getting. Sometimes I wake up and can't remember if something was real or not.

#783 fishinghat


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Posted 07 July 2018 - 07:37 AM

I remember, and your thinking is obsessive about nearly everything including your health. The good news is that you are getting to the dose that should really start helping soon. Time and patience.

#784 Bearfan



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Posted 08 July 2018 - 08:31 PM

Yeah, really struggling right now. Anxiety, headaches, diarrhea, not feeling myself. Thanks for the support and I know it can take some people months to feel back to normal.  I've only been off cymbalta 24 days. Hopefully this improves soon because I'm at an all-time low. 

#785 Bearfan



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Posted 11 July 2018 - 05:14 PM

On Day 4 of 100mg Zoloft. Feel the best I have in a while. Depression has faded, my mood has become more optimistic and energized, my sleep is more regular, and this if the first day my OCD rumination isn't bad. Seeing progress finally! Just happy so I had to post. 

#786 gail


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Posted 12 July 2018 - 07:04 AM

Hi Bearfan,

How good to hear, you must be jumping all around! Relief at last. Just don't overdo things.
Zoloft was fast. Thank you for the positive update!

#787 fishinghat


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Posted 12 July 2018 - 08:46 AM

That is great Bearfan. That is not a high dose for the Zoloft so if you can stabilize at that level it would be great.

That was about 3 months faster than my recovery with Zoloft. lol

#788 Bearfan



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Posted 12 July 2018 - 03:28 PM

Actually, let's just call that a little victory lol. It was my first few hours where I felt good again. Last night went back to how I was doing before - awful OCD/anxiety and just feeling weird, diarrhea, racing thoughts, etc. 


Sad to say today is the same so far. But I will take those few hours of clarity as a good thing. Probably will give this 100mg another 8 weeks to watch for improvement and then see if I will go to 150mg.


Lol. Sorry to spoil everyone. I was just so overjoyed that I had to update, buuuutttt now I feel crappy again :(


Ah well, takes more time I guess.

#789 fishinghat


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Posted 12 July 2018 - 04:57 PM

It will improve more with time, as you said. Hang in there. We are still happy for those few short hours of relief.

#790 Bkc26



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Posted 16 July 2018 - 03:22 PM

Side Effects:
High blood pressure

Withdrawal Symptoms:
Thyroid tests erratic
Erratic blood pressure
Extreme Fatique

#791 gail


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Posted 17 July 2018 - 06:40 AM

Hello Bkc,

Where are you at with the withdrawal? Lost again, I am. Sorry!

#792 pain



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Posted 28 July 2018 - 03:09 PM

Side effects:

Anorexia Relapse
Muscle Pain
Two days no sleep-two days constant sleep
Violent outbursts
Memmory loss
Serotonin syndrom
Worsened Addictive Behaviours
No depression reliefe - was still suicidal.

Muscle pain
Joint pain
Sudden stabbing pain
Worsened digestive problems
Severe anxiety\Paranoia
Trauma flashbacks

Can't comunicate - avoiding people
Extreme memmory loss including forgetting words, Sometimes can take me awhile to remmember things like what year it is (?!)
Hypomanic episodes
Nausea and vomiting
Forgotten childhood memmories popping up (Craziest one:remmembered chewing on a theething ring. I remmembered the texture, the feeling on my toothless gums, the color and shape of the ring. This was confirmed as a true memmory, definitly did not imagine this).

*thinking no one will beieve what I'm going through, including right now*


#793 gail


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Posted 28 July 2018 - 03:41 PM

Hello Pain,

Yes, all this is real, I'm sorry that you have to go through this. Surely cold turkey.

I've read so many horror stories here concerning withdrawal, this is why we don't advise that method. Fishinghat can tell you more about it.

While on it, I had suicidal ideation a few times, and in withdrawal also. If we can help in any way, let us know. A few tricks here and there, but nothing to prevent all the symptoms.

We are here for you Pain, anytime.

#794 fishinghat


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Posted 28 July 2018 - 03:58 PM

You are definitely in cold turkey purgatory. You might look through the thread "Summary of Cymbalta Withdrawal", in the Medical Support section. It is a collection pf what people have tried and what worked and what didn't as well as medical research articles. There are some good suggestions for the stomach ailments, nausea, etc.


Be kind to yourself. Don 't push yourself too hard as this only makes it worse. This is a time to pamper yourself.


No stress.

#795 Cjmansf



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Posted 30 July 2018 - 08:34 PM

Bearfan, I had/have near the same set of withdraw symptoms you listed. Irritable, worse depression, suicial thoughts etc. It's so bizarre the song playing in the head thing. That is spot on and still happening to me at over 4 months off. You had asked if it gets worse before getting better...The best explanation I can give you is it's been somewhat of a yo-yo withdraw. Progress is painfully slow at times. I'll improve and then other things crop up. I've heard other members say they feel as though they take a step forward and two steps back sometimes. I just try my best to take notes of things and control what I can. (Which sometimes is very little).

#796 chipmunk226



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Posted 14 August 2018 - 09:05 PM

31 days off:
Persistent headaches
Sinus pain
Brain zaps
Joint pain
Difficulty concentrating
Floaters in vision
Speaking difficulty
Deep Depression
Nothing brings me any joy

#797 Xstrandman



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Posted 12 June 2019 - 05:46 PM

Hi All,


A bit about my Cymbalta experience. I started on Duloxetine ER 20mg in April of 2018. I was tolerating it well so my doctor increased my dosage to 40mg in June. Well, in September I lost my job and insurance, so I didn't refill my RX in October due to it being too expensive. I honestly don't recall any withdrawal or cessation symptoms. I did go back on Duloxetine in November, but it was 20mg of HCl (twice a day to get the 40mg dosage). I then failed to refill my RX, again, a week or so before Christmas.


I remember being at work or home and getting a sharp "itch" in my right leg that was around my shin area. So, naturally I scratched it. I remember being at my friend's house the weekend before Christmas and feeling this weird "itch" throughout my body. I didn't pay much attention to it. Over the next few weeks I experienced a few random rashes on my legs and had 2 instances where my back felt like it was on fire. One of those times it woke me up from a dead sleep - it was that painful. I then started experiencing electric zaps and shocks in my body. Like jolts of electricity that felt as if I was being bitten by something. No brain zaps though, this was all throughout my body. I would literally twitch and jolt in my chair at work to the point where people asked what was wrong. I saw a doctor who honestly had no idea what was going on with me. She made no comment about quitting Cymbalta cold turkey and after all my labs and blood work came back normal, she literally said "I don't know what to say about your itching." I did some thinking on my own and realized I quit Cymbalta cold turkey and I am probably experiencing withdrawal symptoms. So, I refilled my RX and went back on it to start a taper process. Only one problem; within 48 hours I had a drug rash. A big one. So, tapering wasn't an option.


Since January I have had countless transient symptoms. I call them transient because they come and go. Nothing has been consistent. I had 6 random rashes on my legs for no reason - they just came and went. I started having extremely dry skin, but after keeping it hydrated I developed patches of foliculitis. I honestly just couldn't win! The electric symptoms got worse. I couldn't sit or lie down without feeling like my nerves were going haywire throughout my body. But when I stood up? The feeling went away. I've had a bout with Restless Leg Syndrome and I remember Gabapentin working for a while before going on Mirapex. So, I made an appt with a doctor to discuss it. After telling him everything that I've been through, he calmly said "I think you pissed your body off. If you think this is bad, you should see Effexor's withdrawal effects. But, I think the Gabapentin will help." So I started on 100mg three times a day. After a week, nothing changed, so I double my dosage. And I started feeling better. But that quickly faded. I couldn't sit at work. I would have to roll my jeans up above my knees because my skin/nerves couldn't handle anything touching them. Weird, no? And then I started having firey sensations in my legs. They felt hot to the touch and I couldn't handle having my legs touch. It felt like I was being burned from the inside. Some days were better than others, but a few days were unbearable. So, back to the doctor. I was dealing with dry skin (despite drinking 64+ ounces of water a day and cutting way back on alcohol and caffeine AND using hydrating body washes and lotions) and these nerve issues. This doctor said, "I think it's the duloxetine. Let's treat the symptoms and go from there." He increased me to 300mg 3 times a day and we added Mirapex to see if I was having RLS again. It worked for a brief time, but then it all came back. I decided I've had enough of these brain altering drugs and fake bullshit chemicals. I weaned myself off both RXs and wanted to let my body re calibrate, naturally.


I had a great couple of weeks. The nerve sensations were less and less. I didn't have to pull up my pant legs at work and the firey pain was gone. But now, as of today, it's all back and has been back for a few weeks now. It's tolerable and some days are better than others. My legs are hyper sensitive and it feels like very single nerve is firing in my legs. Sitting is tough, but luckily I have no issues sleeping at night. And now, when I walk and my jeans touch my legs? It gets hot. I'll even have random hot flashes in my legs, while wearing shorts, and my legs will look red/flushed and warm to the touch. I am REALLY tired of this. I am taking Fish Oil, Lion's Mane and a solid Multi-Vitamin. I've done 3 liquid cleanses and have cut back on caffeine and alcohol. I was only on the damn drug for maybe 9 months and have been dealing with this for almost 5.


When will it end? Are my symptoms permanent? Should I see a neurologist?


Sorry for the lengthy story, but I believe detail and transparency are important.

#798 fishinghat


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Posted 13 June 2019 - 08:06 AM

Welcome X


Unluckily not an uncommon story. The itching is a bit unusual but has happened to 2 or 3 members before. Many had luck with diaper cream in relieving the symptoms. Worth a


Symptoms can last up to 2 to 5 years but 8 to 12 months is more common. Their are different phases you go through during withdrawal so don't be surprised by constantly changing symptoms. If you develop tinnitus it is one of the more long lasting symptoms but does fade. PSSD, loss of all sexual ability and libido can also last for many years. Most do not have these issues.


There is a thread in the Medical Support Section called Summary of Cymbalta Withdrawal that summarizes all the things that members have tried for various symptoms. Also it contains a lot of medical research on meds, supplements, and medical conditions. I suggest you read a little of it each day. It will give you some ideas on what to do when developing changing symptoms.

#799 invalidusername


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Posted 13 June 2019 - 03:28 PM

...and a welcome from me X


"I've had enough of these brain altering drugs and fake bullshit chemicals."


Good for you. I am the voice of natural remedies here and also hate these things following many withdrawal issues. I have spend the last year going through one thing or another, and as my friend above says, you should be comforted that things are always on the changes as this means that it is your brain making its way to recalibrating itself - nothing will (or should) be permanent. 


Your doctor should have just left you be. You are clearly very sensitive to p-drugs and the best thing you can do it get them out of your syste as you have said. The problem is that doctors feel they must push another pill on you to see that they are doing their job. Most will rarely send you out the surgery empty handed or with a natural alternative. 


Again, as Hat said, have a read through his document - it is a huge resource and very useful. But anything else you would like to put past us, just shout.



#800 Wh0sKat3lyn



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Posted 21 June 2019 - 06:38 PM

I have been on several antidepressants, recently switched to Cymbalta after being on Lexapro for about 4 months. I was on Cymbalta for 3 months at 60mg. I am only 3 days off (cold turkey - didn't wean myself off)

Side effects:
Increased depression
Headaches / migraines
Vivid dreams
Low sex drive with inability to achieve orgasm

Withdrawal side effects:
Headaches / migraine
Confusion / dissociation
Blurred vision
Light headed
Decreased appetite
Uncontrollable crying for no reason
Brain zaps or "shivers"
Vivid weird dreams

Surprisingly my anxiety is not bad, I never really suffered from depression I was only on the medication for GAD and panic attacks. My psych doctor refused to give me any other medication other than several trials of antidepressants. All of them had way too many negative side effects and coming off of them all were extremely hard.

I feel like all of the medication that I have tried made me develop depression. I never was depressed I just had severe anxiety and panic attacks, the SSRI'S and SNRI'S helped but the side effects were not worth it to me.

I see a new doctor in 2 weeks, I'm hoping for some relief from this one because it will be my 4th psych doctor... I'm over it. I want a mild low dose benzo like ativan or something I can just take when I'm having a panic attack.. I guess we shall see!

#801 invalidusername


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Posted 21 June 2019 - 07:06 PM



Good to have you here with us - and thanks for adding to this forum post.


Now obviously the first thing that caught my eye here is that you have gone cold turkey from your Cymbalta. This is really not a good idea - even after only 3 months. I urge you to reinstate your dose and ween off, which we can help you with. Please trust me when I tell you this drug can cause all manner of untold withdrawal effects - you need only look at the rest of our site!


From what you have said relating to your mental health issues, have you tried therapy, CBD, mindfulness etc? Pills will only ever give relief in terms of masking an underlying problem, unless it is clinical, which in terms of GAD is highly unlikely. I too have had medication only give me more trouble than they are worth, so I understand your point of view regarding the benzos, but regarding a long term solution, this will still need to be addressed.


But for now, please please reconsider your cold turkey of the cymbalta. It is a tricky little number and needs to be done with time and patience. Please feel free to ask any questions and we will do all we can to get you off this poison successfully...



#802 fishinghat


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Posted 22 June 2019 - 07:31 AM


I might suggest trying hydroxyzine and or clonidine for the panic attacks. They are not addictive, have no withdrawal and the clonidine in particular works well on panic attacks. If they don't work out you can always try the benzos. Remember, they do have a nasty withdrawal.

#803 gail


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Posted 22 June 2019 - 08:51 AM

Hello Katelyn,

Welcome to the family. As IUN said, I would also consider reinstating.

It remains your choice Kathlyn. We will support you either way you choose.

I can relate to the fact that for some like you and I, antidepressants can worsen depression.

But, for sure, you need a med that will act on panic attack and anxiety. Both can easily lead to depression. Let us know what you decide, if you are to reinstate, don't wait too long.

#804 fishinghat


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Posted 24 June 2019 - 05:10 PM


Not only the diaper rash cream has helped but the most popular solution is Epsom salt baths.

From the thread Summary of Cymbalta Withdrawal which gives detailed information on what people have tried as well as medical research. It is located in the Medical Support section.

Epsom Salts


Many members report success using it for cramping, itching and even withdrawal symptoms.


Merete - My go-to solutions are Epsom salt baths and mint tea to sooth aches and calm the body and mind. The salts can also help with the itchy, crawly skin sensations. The only caution is if you have acute nerve pain (pins and needles or sharp stinging) in hands and feet then the warm salty water can make the feeling worse.


Fivenotions - Have you tried Epsom Salts hot soaks? That did wonders for me, along with the chelated magnesium ...
Sis - I also strongly recommend Epsom salt baths, especially in the evening. I had a hard time believing that we absorb and properly process magnesium through out skin, we do but the concentration has to be fairly high. I routinely add 2 cups of epsom and a couple drops of Lavendar


plezhelp - the best thing i am still doing is tepid Epsom-salt baths with baking soda, and apple cider vinegar - which has helped a lot with the itching; i have no idea which one of those things are the best/better 'healing' but know that they are all currently helping me.


sickandtiredofit - A great therapy for the muscle aches and pains that is cheap. Run a warm bath and place 2-4 cups of epsom salt in the bath water. Add a cap of olive oil to the water. Epsom salt and oilve oil are suppose to be great fro sore achy muscles and it really helps. I also place a little drop of lavendar oil to help me relax.

#805 fishinghat


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Posted 24 June 2019 - 05:12 PM

Oh yea, there is also Hydroxyzine which is a prescription medicine that helps the itching and also anxiety. Some people had good success with Benadryl as well. Be sure it is the version with 50 mg diphenhydramine.

#806 Chaos



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Posted 27 November 2019 - 03:40 AM

Well I never really thought that this was such a horrible and expansive ordeal. A simple pill to help you feel better my god how stupid could I have been! :wacko:


On top of Depression and anxiety, which are cruel enough I get diagnosed with a motor neuron disease and then open heart sugery. Where the hell do I turn?????


I am a wreck

#807 Chaos



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Posted 27 November 2019 - 04:00 AM

OK here goes..


51 feel like 324


Side Effects:
Depression worsened
Trouble sleeping
Nightmares & Exotic dreams
Withdrawn from friends and family
Spending/shopping on sleep meds
Weight gain
Suicidal ideation
Memory problems
Concentration problems
Vision problems

Withdrawal Symtpoms:
Brain “zaps”
Numb hands and feet
Flu-like symptoms
Sinus pain
Runny nose
Hot flashes
Rage / Severe swings
Mood Swings
Suicidal ideation
Memory problems
Concentration problems

See shadows


Oh yeah - motor neuron disease (Primary lateral sclerosis (PLS) is a rare neuromuscular disease with slowly progressive weakness in voluntary muscle movement. PLS belongs to a group of disorders known as motor neuron diseases)requiring yet more meds and side effects

and  a lovely emergency heart surgery just to add to my lovely list of more "medical apothecary"

#808 Polly38


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Posted 27 November 2019 - 04:56 AM

Hi Chaos

So sorry you are suffering with these horrible effects of this wicked drug! How long were you on it and how long did you take to get off it?


#809 fishinghat


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Posted 27 November 2019 - 08:18 AM

Welcome chaos

How long did it take you to wean off the Cymbalta.

#810 invalidusername


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Posted 27 November 2019 - 08:23 AM

Hi Chaos,


I am saddened to read what you have/are going through. I had a close friend with motor neuron... you have my every sympathy.


Please let us know how we can help you, and we will do all we can.


God Bless



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