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#721 fishinghat


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Posted 06 October 2017 - 05:11 PM

That last drop is the worse. I wish you could have went a little slower. Hang in there and keep us posted.

#722 LisaMichele



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    Cymbalta withdrawal

Posted 09 October 2017 - 12:28 AM

I thought about staying on 1 bead longer than the week but things had leveled off and I was getting so close to the end. I got anxious. I also want to be free from withdrawal by the time we go on a trip in mid December. Even if not completely I should be better right?

I knew the 0 would be hard! It will be hard no matter when I start. It felt so good not to add those pills to my pillbox this week!

Still feeling:
Brain zaps
Swooshing brain (like living life swiping through my phone when I move my head—bizarre)
Buzzing in my legs

Trying to stay away from stress in all forms including people who cause me stress.

#723 fishinghat


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Posted 09 October 2017 - 08:30 AM

Doing well. Just hang in there.


Do you use any Benadryl for the symptoms?

#724 LisaMichele



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Posted 10 October 2017 - 09:33 PM

Yes am using Benadryl. Helps with the restless legs and twitching at night. Mornings seem to be getting better for a few hours.
By mid morning all the brain zaps etc start again. They are really bad at night!

10 days on 0 now! Feel like this could take a REALLY long time.

#725 fishinghat


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Posted 11 October 2017 - 08:42 AM

It does take patience. Just hang in there.

#726 JKLJ



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Posted 12 October 2017 - 07:34 AM

All of the above is how I would answer. I have been off for over two weeks and I had hoped to feel a bit better. The worst is feeling like I am losing my grip and going insane. I had to quit cold turkey due to a bad reaction. I took it prior and was miserable but thought this lower dose would be ok. Same problems if not a bit worse. Well I developed this thing on my face that looked like I had a chemical peel done then got sunburned. SO cold turkey quit. So scared and for some reason doc will not give me something else.

#727 fishinghat


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Posted 12 October 2017 - 08:25 AM

Time for a new dr. The FDA warns of the dangers of quitting cold turkey. I understand the cold turkey as Stevens-Johnson syndrome can be very serious but he should have given you something to lighten the symptoms.  I hope all goes well for you but it could be a long ride. Keep us posted on your progress and maybe you will be one of the lucky ones that will have a minimal withdrawal.

#728 LisaMichele



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    Cymbalta withdrawal

Posted 16 October 2017 - 11:57 AM

Fifteen days now at 0! Symptoms are actually noticeably better until late afternoon and evening when they return—but the brain swooshing has definitely let up for at least the early part of the day. My vision is still bad and I really feel out of control emotionally. Like I am teetering on the edge of completely losing it. I can’t take any kind of criticism or controversy. I just lose it! I have this need to try to control things that I cannot and then I get miserably angry!

I feel very unhappy about that because I am getting into arguments I would have stayed out of before. Now I remember why I had such a hard time trying to get off this demon pill before!

More yoga and meditation. And NO news!

—The only real control I have is the choice of my own thoughts, my own words, and my own actions—

#729 fishinghat


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Posted 16 October 2017 - 02:00 PM

Try to remove as much stress in  your life as possible. Anything that bothers you (like noise, talking, telephone ringing, TV, music, etc.) try and avoid it as much as possible. I am sure I mentioned this before but are you willing to try some hydroxyzine or clonidine to help you get through this?

#730 siggyd17



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Posted 17 October 2017 - 12:36 PM

There are many different posts about symptoms and side effects of Cymbalta and Cymbalta Withdrawal. I wanted to begin a thread to compile a thorough list of effects and symptoms that are related to Cymbalta. (Pleae list symptoms/effects that are confirmed to be related to Cymbalta via your doctor or you just suspect them to be). Also, break your symptoms/effects into two categories: Side Effects (while taking Cymbalta) and Withdrawal Symptoms (while coming off Cymbalta). Also, please note "Dr" by a symptom that was confirmed by a doctor. I'll start by listing mine.

Side Effects:
Depression worsened
Trouble sleeping
Withdrew from friends and family
Spending/shopping out of control
Overall health declined: sick frequently
Weight gain
Suicidal ideation
Memory problems
Concentration problems
Vision problems

Withdrawal Symtpoms:
Brain “zaps”
Numb fingers
Flu-like symptoms
Sinus pain
Runny nose
Hot flashes
Mood Swings
Suicidal ideation
Cold chills: Shivering accompanied by chest and abdominal muscle tightening
Memory problems
Concentration problems

Hey, I've had a LOT of these. In fact, I know it's because of withdrawal and I was never told about the withdrawal symptoms. I personally have had issues with concentration at times, ringing in ears really REALY loudly, off balance, the want/need to cry for no reason (no PMS or anything of that sorts either), hot and cold flashes at all times of the day/night, shivering uncontrollably when I don't feel cold or in weather that normally I'm ok with (like this morning it was about 55 degrees F, and I was shivering as if it was 40), sometimes I have an appetite, PAIN when I don't take it all in my muslces in my back. It feels like it is trying to twitch or something and then the pain just radiates and stays. I also have really bad dreams when I don't take the other meds (prazosin and trazadone). I've always had migraine/headache issues, in fact I'm pretty use to that pain, however the cymbalta migraine is a bit different. I haven't really ever felt something like this before. It's almost like the 'zapping' that people describe, except mine stays, almost like an electrical current that got stuck in the on position. I've only had it happen twice since I've been weaning, but It puts me down for a while. I get so sick as well. 

#731 LisaMichele



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Posted 21 October 2017 - 10:28 AM

Since the last time I posted The physical symptoms are much better. A little dizziness in evening or early morning but the brain zaps and swooshing are gone. I definitely don’t feel the “happy all the time” feeling I had before. I think this was the actual help with pain control— not actual pain control but the ability to cope with it. You don’t feel as depressed having the pain and nothing else bothers you.

But I don’t believe the side effects and the potential long term damage of the drug are worth it. I feel like my brain needs time to recover and get back some normal functioning after having been on cymbalta for so long.

Stress has a lot to do with the way I feel. Trying really hard to get away from that. If I could leave for about six months to avoid the people and major stresses in my life it would be great!

On another note I saw my pain management doc yesterday and she had so much praise for my getting off all the drugs but of course she had no idea about the withdrawal. She just said some people have trouble and others report nothing.

#732 siggyd17



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Posted 02 November 2017 - 09:26 AM

So, I felt the bran zaps for the first time a couple of weeks ago. I've been stuck at 4 beads once to twice a week now...which is fine...but as this has progressed, the zaps became more of like a stop and go thing. It didn't hurt, but I could feel it..almost like my brain was restarting. I'm praying these side effects go away soon. I feel so sick and tired today..mainly bummed and just want to go cry. :( I will not, however, allow this med to bring me to the breaking point, suicidal. NEVER again! I am in control not the meds. I'm so happy this group is here to talk to or else I would probably feel so alone. :) I hope everyone is doing well. If you feel suicidal and wanna talk, please reach out. It isn't worth it to take your life on something like this. This too will pass, but in the mean time, people like me are here with you to support you and talk you through it. Thank God for y'all!

#733 LisaMichele



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Posted 02 November 2017 - 02:00 PM

Very true! It does pass. I am 33days clean. I feel better but still anxious. Still have brain swooshes but not as bad. I asked my doctor about it today— point blank will my brain ever recover and will these symptoms ever go away?

Her answer was they may never completely go away. Didn’t like that answer. Anyone else ever get an answer like that? She suggested waiting a few months and then either going to a very low dose again or Zoloft or something similar. This is not my plan because my use of cymbalta was not for depression it was for pain and now I have issues that are caused from being on cymbalta. So I may never be rid of an antidepressant?

Gonna stick it out until after the new year at least. I am better than a month ago.

#734 fishinghat


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Posted 02 November 2017 - 02:04 PM

Stick it out is right. The majority of our long term members that have come back say they pretty much returned to normal in 6 to 9 months. Some (maybe 10%?) said 1 to 2 years and we have had 3 members that I know of that took 3 to 5 years to really stabilize. If you don't need the Zoloft for psychiatric treatment then stay off it and just be patient. It does take nerves a long time to recover.

#735 siggyd17



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Posted 03 November 2017 - 01:01 PM

Yes. My nerves are hurting so bad in my back when i dont take it. But you know what? Id rather be in that pain, than this withdrawal from this medication. My dr listens to me though. She is behind me 100%, and said not to hesitate to call if i needed anything. I dint remember he saying anhthing to me about side effects of cymbalta, but i was in a very bad spot at the time. I was robotic, and no emotions, which isnt the best place to be. I felt very suicidal, but i knew i wouldnt do anything. I remember being so scared being there by myself. The other thing i have problems with is the nightmares. They can be so real. And paralization..when your body is at rest and about to go into REM state but youre awake still..its very disturbing.

#736 LisaMichele



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Posted 06 November 2017 - 09:35 AM

This week has been particularly bad. I have plateaued and the anxiousness and crappy mood are really starting to wear on me. I get the sticking it out but spending years of a precious life stressing my body out and living with this unhappiness is worth it? At least before I wasn’t as depressed about my pain and I was much nicer.

#737 fishinghat


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Posted 06 November 2017 - 09:55 AM

It will pass Lisa. Just hang in three. It van be a long road but it will pass.

#738 gail


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    5 months on cymbalta, scary side effects, to get help and to return the favor if I can.

Posted 06 November 2017 - 10:53 AM

Hello Lisa,

Just wondering if you can get something for your pain. I mean that there must be something out there to make you feel better, as you were given cymbalta for pain. It must be replaced by a pain reliever, so I think.

An opiate perhaps low dosage? As for being addictive, I found it quite easy to wean from 150mg to none. Had to get back on them as the pain resurfaced. (Big surgery on my back). But now 5 mg once a day is enough. Gets rid of depression at the same time. I'm nicer too. Lol!

#739 siggyd17



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Posted 08 November 2017 - 02:37 PM

As of today, I am 9 days without any cymbalta. Still a little nauseous but the worse for me right now is the pain my back, neck, and shoulders. I am also having some zaps, but not as bad as I had before. I have been making sure I eat a little more proteins than normal, as well as some fruits and a little veggies. I also take a multi-vitamin just in case my body isn't getting or able to soak up some of the nutrients. I also have been trying to eat one of the protein bars in the morning to get going instead of coffee. So far, I'm feeling great. (Other than the pain) The pain though is from my accident. 

I will not give up. Cymbalta is a great answer for a little bit, but I wouldn't recommend it for long term use. It's also expensive, and the withdrawals are not good, especially if you don't have the money to always get your meds. I will be talking with my doctor in December, and hopefully she will have some more answers that could help out. If so, I will make sure to pass them along. :) 

#740 JohnnyZ



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Posted 08 November 2017 - 04:46 PM

I did forum-wide searches on "erectile dysfunction" and "libido" and surprisingly, for such an extensive and long-term site as this, there was very little return on the searches.  Perhaps, people don't like to discuss their sexual issues related to Cymbalta and other SSRI's?  Or, maybe I may have missed the topics?


I blame over a decade's use of first Paxil then Cymbalta on my low libido and recent episodes of erectile dysfunction.  I'm convinced that my SSRI uses significantly contributed to the end of my marriage.  Unfortunately, I have only just recently come to realize these side effects and to associate them with SSRI use.  Honestly, I thought it was just that I was getting older (I'm 62) and that it was normal, and especially having spent nearly 4 decades with the same woman who is now my ex (she left me due to my lack of desire and love for her).  And now that I have found a new partner who I'm madly in love with, I want so badly to have a healthy sexual relationship with her, I barely can...


I was hoping to find some success stories of men recovering their libido and sexual function after stopping SSRI's.  Not to be selfish, but I'd like some real-life experiences that will reassure me that I can look forward to a normal sex life again...

#741 fishinghat


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Posted 08 November 2017 - 06:04 PM

You need to do a search for PSSD. That stands for Post SSRI Sexual Dysfunction. As you mentioned during the course of taking ssri or snri sexual performance and ability to reach orgasm is very limited (male or female). When you are totally off the ssri/snri  everyone goes through an adjustment period. Typically there is a 4 or 5 day period about 1 week after coming off the med where sexual arousal and performance surges. Now that is also the time where many are suffering bad withdrawal so they may not notice this. Shortly after that the testosterone levels drop like a rock and sexual desire and performance completely tanks. Then over the next 3  months, if you stay off antidepressants, the sexual issues slowly improve and by the end of the 3rd month things should return to pretty much normal for your age and condition. This 3 month period is called PSSD. For some the symptoms never totally fade. There are a few that are left with, no periods, no erections, penus anaesthia (lack of feeling), no ejaculation, no orgasms, no libido. It is all gone. I am one of 4 from this site who have been left with this condition. I have seen many specialists and there is NO treatment for it. I came off Cymbalta in 2013 and have had the full set of symptoms since. I have been told I will never have intercourse again. I am an old goat so while it matters less it is still very disturbing. One of the other members was a 32 year old woman. Luckily for you this is very rare. I thought this would give you some idea what to expect during your recovery. By 3 months you should be seeing a return to 'normal'.

#742 JohnnyZ



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Posted 09 November 2017 - 08:53 AM

You need to do a search for PSSD. That stands for Post SSRI Sexual Dysfunction. As you mentioned during the course of taking ssri or snri sexual performance and ability to reach orgasm is very limited (male or female). When you are totally off the ssri/snri  everyone goes through an adjustment period. Typically there is a 4 or 5 day period about 1 week after coming off the med where sexual arousal and performance surges. Now that is also the time where many are suffering bad withdrawal so they may not notice this. Shortly after that the testosterone levels drop like a rock and sexual desire and performance completely tanks. Then over the next 3  months, if you stay off antidepressants, the sexual issues slowly improve and by the end of the 3rd month things should return to pretty much normal for your age and condition. This 3 month period is called PSSD. For some the symptoms never totally fade. There are a few that are left with, no periods, no erections, penus anaesthia (lack of feeling), no ejaculation, no orgasms, no libido. It is all gone. I am one of 4 from this site who have been left with this condition. I have seen many specialists and there is NO treatment for it. I came off Cymbalta in 2013 and have had the full set of symptoms since. I have been told I will never have intercourse again. I am an old goat so while it matters less it is still very disturbing. One of the other members was a 32 year old woman. Luckily for you this is very rare. I thought this would give you some idea what to expect during your recovery. By 3 months you should be seeing a return to 'normal'.

Thank you for a great post and the reassurance that I may return to a normal sex life eventually.  May I ask what is your age?

#743 fishinghat


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Posted 09 November 2017 - 09:50 AM

I was 61 at the time and am now 65.

#744 Jillybeans


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Posted 09 November 2017 - 11:01 AM

Side Effects on Cymbalta:


Profuse sweating

Hot flashes


Hair Loss

Poor appetite

Severe constipation

Sleeping problems


Weight gain


Vision problems


Digestion problem


Withdrawal Effects:



Sleeping problem

Weight loss


Brain zaps

Out of body feeling

Sensitive to lights, sounds and some smells

Hearing loss?


Suicidal thoughts


Memory problems, forgetful



Muscle weakness

Skin crawling like, electric shocks

Burning sensation feeling

Vision blurriness

Hot flashes, though I'm sweating less at a time


I'm not sure about hearing loss, but it seemed like I had some hearing loss. Is this part of the withdrawal symptoms? I am on a low dose of 5mgs of Prozac which I had started Wednesday, and to go on increase dosages until I reached 20mgs then let it kick in to combat these withdrawal symptoms. The symptoms I have now is mostly some muscle weakness, vision blurriness, tingly in my hands, feet, anxiety, some depression, hearing loss, sensitive to lights, sounds, feeling some hyperness probably from anxiety. My appetite comes and go, I am making sure I stay hydrated. The sleeping problems persist, only it's not way too severe like before while on Cymbalta and when the withdrawal happened. I do the best as I can to make sure no stress, it's not simple and I also try to stay positive as much as I can.

#745 fishinghat


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Posted 09 November 2017 - 12:49 PM

Hearing loss is not a common complaint but tinnitus (ringing in the ear) is. A little hearing loss would not surprise me though.

#746 LisaMichele



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Posted 09 November 2017 - 02:35 PM

Hello Lisa,
Just wondering if you can get something for your pain. I mean that there must be something out there to make you feel better, as you were given cymbalta for pain. It must be replaced by a pain reliever, so I think.
An opiate perhaps low dosage? As for being addictive, I found it quite easy to wean from 150mg to none. Had to get back on them as the pain resurfaced. (Big surgery on my back). But now 5 mg once a day is enough. Gets rid of depression at the same time. I'm nicer too. Lol!

Hi God-like
Unfortunately I have been on fentanyl,percocet,Vicodin,morphine,muscle relaxers,gabapentin... blah blah blah. I finally realized I was feeling worse after 6 years of adding higher and higher dosages. I started coming off them a year ago. Then just decided since cymbalta was the last one I would try ridding myself if it as well. I know that cymbalta made me able to cope with my pain much better. I don’t know if the pain is worse because of withdrawal or if it was a truly really helping my pain as well. Now when I read my journaling from July I see I was feeling really good before I started to come off cymbalta—as I said I just was on a crusade to rid my body of everything.

I am currently taking a low dose of tramadol 2 times a week when I just need relief. While I do think pain killers provide occasional relief —in the long term and daily they become ineffective and may make pain worse. Took me a long time to realize that!

The jury is still out on the cymbalta for me-if going back to a low dose proves to work for me I am not going to rule it out and I know I can wean from a low dose again. Have been in several conversations with my doctor and family to hopefully make a good decision.

#747 Jillybeans


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Posted 09 November 2017 - 04:31 PM

Hearing loss is not a common complaint but tinnitus (ringing in the ear) is. A little hearing loss would not surprise me though.

Yes, I had noticed some ringing of the ears, and hear things loud like. I forgot to mention that sometimes I actually feel the palpitations or thumping like sensations in my ears. Perhaps this makes it feel like I lost some hearing.

#748 fishinghat


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Posted 09 November 2017 - 04:54 PM

Hi LisaM


Yes the withdrawal makes the pain worse for most until the withdrawal is over. Can you remind me what the pain is from if you don't mind me asking?

#749 siggyd17



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Posted 10 November 2017 - 10:18 AM

I've been getting the hot flashes..and cold sweats. Today, I'm in a bit of pain..nerve pain I'm guessing? Is there anything that can help the nerve pain that won't harm my body or cause me issues? :( I don't like to take a lot of advil, excedrin, or tylenol (tylenol does nothing for me), mainly because I don't want the tummy issues. This pain causes my left shoulder (back and front) to become weak, which in turns weakens my left arm. I have dropped a few things the past couple of days. I really want to go back on the cymbalta, as this sucks bad. But Im 11 days free of this med. If anyone has any suggestions, message me. :) I'll try to be back on throughout the day and weekend, this weekend though is our Friendsgiving. I'm stressed, I know, because I haven't gotten everything done I want to get done. My husband has been cleaning the house, so I'm thankful for that. lol! It's just a lot. I use to be able to do stuff like this, now it just seems a bit difficult, which is depressing in itself. 

#750 fishinghat


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Posted 10 November 2017 - 12:00 PM

Hey Siggyd


I jusr added a new section to 'and the answer to your question is...). I deals with a lot of over the counter treatments that members have tried. The OTC analgesics you mention do not have a good outcome for most. Believe it or not Bragg's apple cider Vinegar is one of the best. There is even considerable medical research that has been done on that. Good for fibro, arthritis and general body aches and pains.  Read through the new post and see what you think,

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