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#1 Normal



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Posted 30 August 2011 - 04:57 PM

I have been off cymbalta for at least one and one half years. I used to have vertigo ever once in a while, now I seem to get it more often. I don't know if is an after effect of the cymbalta or just me. I also still have an odd feeling of my eyes not quite keeping up with my head movement. My ears are fine.
I still struggle with sleep problems and over all pain. I am so scared of meds, but I do take pain killers once in a while when it is severe and I just need to climb into bed. I refuse to take anything anymore on a regular basis so my body isn't dependent on anything. some days I just feel like crying because of the pain and inability to just feel normal ( pain free) I'm still trying to loss the 30lbs I put on while taking cymbalta. Anyone else have long term effects

#2 cookie



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    In the future I would like to stop cymbalta

Posted 30 August 2011 - 07:05 PM

I have been off cymbalta for at least one and one half years. I used to have vertigo ever once in a while, now I seem to get it more often. I don't know if is an after effect of the cymbalta or just me. I also still have an odd feeling of my eyes not quite keeping up with my head movement. My ears are fine.
I still struggle with sleep problems and over all pain. I am so scared of meds, but I do take pain killers once in a while when it is severe and I just need to climb into bed. I refuse to take anything anymore on a regular basis so my body isn't dependent on anything. some days I just feel like crying because of the pain and inability to just feel normal ( pain free) I'm still trying to loss the 30lbs I put on while taking cymbalta. Anyone else have long term effects

Hello Normal:
Thank you for writing. You didn´t mention why you took cymbalta in the first place: Depression or pain?. Since you are the only person that has been off the med for such a long time, I would like to know how long did it take you to overcome withdrawal symptoms? and what withdrawal symptoms did you have?.

I´m not a doctor but I think the vertigo and eyes not keeping up with your head movement are long term effects. You are lucky that you are off the medication. I am still taking a very low dose of the medication.

Have you checked your sugar and insulin levels. After 6 years of taking cymbalta, I developed insulin resistance (glucose intolerance). That was what was preventing me from losing weight. The diagnosis is made by doing a 2 hour glucose tolerance curve test.

#3 ExCymbaltaUser


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Posted 02 September 2011 - 08:25 AM

I've been off for one month and one day. The vertigo has gone for me, and I had been on cymbalta since very soon after it came out. The last year or so i was on 120mg a day. YMMV, and I did use a lot of methods that I think helped (like reiki and auriculotherapy) but I don't think this is necessarily permanent. Good luck!

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