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How Long Does It Last?

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#31 diamond25



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Posted 08 November 2011 - 08:05 PM

Does anyone have ridiculous dreams? I am also saying things in my sleep.

#32 madbookworm



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Posted 10 November 2011 - 02:02 AM

Reading about your experiences is scaring the daylights out of me. The worst thing I have had (after only two days cold turkey) are itching and a few bouts with diarrhea. Benadryl really helps with the itching.

Judging from what the rest of you have been through, I really hope the Cymbalta God ignores me and lets me off lightly. I have had terrible migraines in the past that required narcotic injections; I'm not really excited about bad headaches again.

If I start feeling really crummy, I guess I'll have to warn my family to just leave me alone and hide all sharp objects for a few months. Thank Heaven I'm retired.

Good luck to all of you and thanks for sharing.

#33 sigdavis



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Posted 15 November 2011 - 01:27 AM

I am 43 male and was not depressed before I had my knees replaced. I took 60 mg's for about 9 months because of my knees getting replaced and damage done to my nerve on the right leg. It was very painful and the drug helped BUT I would have never taken this drug had I known about the effects quitting would have on me. I went from 60 mg's everyday at bedtime to every other day for one month. By the second day I was losing my breath, sweating like crazy, having brain zaps, feeling like I was in a mass state of tunnel vision, feeling sick to my stomach, and having a hard time controlling my temper-ecspecially when driving. I called my doctor and she advised to hang on as it takes a while for this drug to enter and leave the brain. After a month of this I then went to 30mg's every other day. Symptoms really never got better but I was determined to stick to the plan. After two weeks of this I started stretching out the number of days between 30 mg doses. I finally made it to every 5 days. It was amazing how the morning after I took the pill on the 6th day I would feel better. This drug is the scariest thing I have ever been on. I have been completely free of this drug for 15 days now and it seems slowly to be getting better. I will say though that some days are still the craps. I started working out with a trainer 3 days a week and for some reason this seems to compound the symptoms but I really want to get in better shape so I am going to fight through this. I hate Cymbalta, I advise anybody who get's prescribed this drug to throw it in the trash. I am worried my brain has been damaged forever but am also determined to quit. I hope that after 3 or 4 months it will go back to normal. I forgot to mention I also had trouble with balance when weaning from this drug. Simple things like getting up from the couch or my chair and I would lose my balance. Reading these posts has helped me tremendously! thank you all. The first time I searched I could not find anybody who had luck with getting off the medicine but here I see a couple of people have been able to do it. You have given me some hope so thanks.

Please keep posting if you find anything that helps.

Also, I do want to let you know that going to work and keeping my brain active has helped the brain zaps. I have an office job that requires me to focus and think while at work and this has really helped with symptoms. I would say try your hardest to stay active, make yourself go to work and keep busy with your kids and friends as it helps me forget the shit I am feeling at least for a couple of hours at a time. I took the advice of some of the earlier posts and have been dringking alot of water and that seems to also help.

I wonder what percentage of test patients had these symptoms we are all having??
Good luck all and hang in there!!

#34 SantaTim



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Posted 15 November 2011 - 10:58 AM

I started Cymbalta back in 2008 because I was in an angry depression after losing my job due to my health and had been shouting at my then 13 yo daughter for no reason. I knew that wasn't going to continue if I could stop it. I started on 20 MG and my PCP had me build up to 120 MG per day. Until just recently I had not noticed all of the parts of my life I had traded for this drug. The drug did what I wanted as far as stopping the outbursts of anger. But also over a short span of time I started sleeping over 12 hours a day, lost all interest in sex, had severe nightsweats, extreme difficulty urinating, difficulty concentrating and the most troubling as I look back I lost my ability to "give a darn" about anything. My response to everything was pretty flat now that I look back. If I had it to do over I would seriously look into some form of cognitive therapy (talk therapy) with a professional before taking any SSRI. Like so many of you on this site though, I trusted my doctor not to endanger me. I believed as most Americans today in better health through pharmacology.
A little more background about me I am currently 52, male and suffer from chronic debilitating back pain and neuropathy. Thank God I have a wonderful wife and great support system at home. I hope for all of you that you have a support system which is as important as any drug.
So anyway, our insurance through COBRA was going away because it had gotten astronomically high, they wanted $200 less than my total monthly income just for the coverage! I knew the co-pays for the Cymbalta were high $125 or the highest tier for a three month supply, but I was really shocked at the out of pocket cost of the drug. So my PCP (personal care physician) that admonished me to NEVER stop taking this Cymbalta cold turkey had me to start taking Prozac 10 MG on alternate days when I got low on the Cymbalta. As I said I had been taking 120 MG of Cymbalta a day. As soon as I knew I would be discontinuing the drug I started taking half the dosage of only 60 MG per day, easy since it was in 60 MG capsules. I had some mild forms of withdrawl by lowering the dose which were headache, my mind feeling a little sluggish, I remember thinking that this wasn't too bad. When I got down to 30 capsules left I started taking Cymbalta 60 MG one day and Prozac 10 MG the next as I understood the PCP. After 5 days of this I started taking Prozac 10 MG 2 days to 1 day of Cymbalta for a couple days. Then I went 3 days on Prozac 10 MG and that was when my withdrawl sysmtoms started. At first I thought it was side effects of the Prozac. I called the PCP on Monday morning, who now can't fit me in till Thursday. I asked the nurse what should I do go back on the remaining Cymbalta I have , continue with the Prozac, stop everything, WHAT? She said she would check with the PCP and I would get a call back, still waiting today which is Tuesday. While I was waitng I began to do the web research. I decided to not take the Prozac or Cymbalta and stop cold turkey. I learned that the withdrawal from Prozac is pretty similar to Cymbalta so I figured why replace one problem with another. I had already been off of the Cymbalta for 4 days at this point so I figured I may as well continue since Cymbalta is not an option I can afford anyway.
The first day of withdrawl which for me was day 3 off the Cymbalta, I had a headache, my eyes hurt, I felt a lot of anxiety, my mind was racing, I was irritable, I felt as though when I turned my head I could feel my brain slosh around in my skull, my dreams became vivid and very weird, and my stomach was cramping. Day 2 of withdrawl (4th day no Cymbalta) still had same symtoms as before only intensified. Add in nausea, diarrhea. visual disturbances, difficulty forming my words, feeling as if I can't speak fast enough to keep up with my thoughts, and in the midst of all this I had a spontaneous erection. That actually served to lift my mood some. One caveat to that is that the head of my penis is sensitive to the point of being sore.
Today is day 3 of the withdrawl, I still have all of the symptoms however they aren't as intense as yesterday and my stomach seems a little calmer today. I forgot to mention I am taking college classes and realized even though I am having trouble concentrating, I seem to be able to focus my attention better than I could before. Thankfully, I have not experienced the ZAPs. Oh and I almost forgot I have only slept about 8 hours in the past 3 days.
Thanks to all that take the time to post your experiences online in the hopes of helping others. May we all get to that point of peace we all seek in our lives! BTW almost forgot another symptom, I keep drooling to the point I notice drool dripping from my beard.

#35 SantaTim



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Posted 16 November 2011 - 03:14 PM

Yesterday evening I gave up on waiting for PCP to call me back after almost 48 hours and wife took me to pharmacy to see if they had the 5HTP lots of you have recommended. The pharmacist was very hesitant about that saying that there is no research that shows that 5HTP helps but he said more importantly there is no research that shows if it could harm. I was a little ill anyway and I was thinking maybe outloud that nobody warned me as forcefully about starting this Cymbalta s*!t! Anyway, while at the pharmacy I had a severe attack of vertigo and started sweating profusely, within minutes my clothes were soaked as if I had been in the shower. Of course another thing that happened while I was out was the PCP called, more on that later. The pharmacy did not have the 5HTP, but they did have the Omega 3-6-9 (3 gel caps a day!) many have recommended, they also had Lecithin 1200 MG (recommended 1 gel cap a day) and Ginko Biloba 60 MG (recommended dosage is 2 tablets a day), the pharmacist said Ginko is known to be an anti-coagulant.
After I got home there was a message on the machine from PCP he seemed kind of perturbed that I had taken him at his word that the switch from Cymbalta to Prozac would be a non-event. Right I just made this up! BTW who wrote the prescriptions? I finally got in touch with him and he then said that stopping cold turkey from Cymbalta would cause withdrawal symptoms "as bad" as narcotic withdrawal! He did talk me into taking a Prozac 10 MG before getting off the phone saying it would take the edge off what I was feeling at the time. He said that Prozac targets one of the receptor sites in the brain that Cymbalta does and only that one while Cymbalta targets two sites. He also said that Cymbalta has a very short half-life which is why you have withdrawal symtoms so quickly after stopping the drug. Prozac he said has a much longer half-life. He wants me to continue on the Prozac and move up to 20 MG a day then eventually get on a dosage of 20 MG one day and 40 MG the next and alternate the dosages. To be honest I am really scared to do this, because I never dreamed I would experience anything like this by stopping a "medicine" and by most of what I have read Prozac has very similar side affects and withdrawal. What do you guys and gals out there think???

#36 Retired



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Posted 16 November 2011 - 07:49 PM

Dear Santa Tim,

Read your post. Regarding Prozac to counter Cymbalta withdrawal - I am a believer. I had been totally unable to stop Cymbalta by counting beads and that method just led to a bunch of misery. I first did a lot of research on the Web & then convinced a pdoc to let me try it. I went directly from 20 mg Cym (I had tapered down from 60 over a 3 month period) to 20mg Prozac without missing a day. Stayed on the Prozac for 2 weeks then stopped it - also 2 weeks ago. So far, no bad side effects & I am keeping my fingers crossed that they do not occur. For the first time in years I am off of all antidepressants/antianxiety meds! It's a shame most doctors don't know how addictive Cymbalta is.

#37 cookie



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    In the future I would like to stop cymbalta

Posted 16 November 2011 - 08:29 PM

Dear Santa Tim,

Read your post. Regarding Prozac to counter Cymbalta withdrawal - I am a believer. I had been totally unable to stop Cymbalta by counting beads and that method just led to a bunch of misery. I first did a lot of research on the Web & then convinced a pdoc to let me try it. I went directly from 20 mg Cym (I had tapered down from 60 over a 3 month period) to 20mg Prozac without missing a day. Stayed on the Prozac for 2 weeks then stopped it - also 2 weeks ago. So far, no bad side effects & I am keeping my fingers crossed that they do not occur. For the first time in years I am off of all antidepressants/antianxiety meds! It's a shame most doctors don't know how addictive Cymbalta is.

Please keep us updated on how you feel the following days..................

#38 SantaTim



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Posted 17 November 2011 - 11:22 AM

:rolleyes: Thanks for your reply, I only hope to help others, I agree wholeheartedly people need to be made aware of this BEFORE they start.

Dear Santa Tim,

Read your post. Regarding Prozac to counter Cymbalta withdrawal - I am a believer. I had been totally unable to stop Cymbalta by counting beads and that method just led to a bunch of misery. I first did a lot of research on the Web & then convinced a pdoc to let me try it. I went directly from 20 mg Cym (I had tapered down from 60 over a 3 month period) to 20mg Prozac without missing a day. Stayed on the Prozac for 2 weeks then stopped it - also 2 weeks ago. So far, no bad side effects & I am keeping my fingers crossed that they do not occur. For the first time in years I am off of all antidepressants/antianxiety meds! It's a shame most doctors don't know how addictive Cymbalta is.

#39 SantaTim



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Posted 17 November 2011 - 11:59 AM

So shortly after I posted yesterday I crashed and slept and slept. I still am having weird dreams but with the Prozac they aren't as "manic" for lack of a better word. Just to give you an idea, when I woke I had been dreaming I was a snowman and people were trying to force me to take a shower but I knew that would make me melt. Weird! It was nice to get some rest though, and I do feel rested. I am glad the PCP talked me into taking the Prozac, it is taking the edge off the withdrawal and it is an affordable option for those that are without or have lost insurance.
Had a 9 am appointment with PCP and this is what we have worked out. Ramping up quickly on the Prozac to relieve the Cymbalta withdrawal, then will taper off of the Prozac and monitor behavior for depression returning. If depression does not become an issue again continue taper until completely off Prozac. PCP assures me the withdrawal from Prozac is much easier than Cymbalta.
Schedule for me is as follows:
Prozac 40 MG 3 times a week i.e. M,W,F and Prozac 10 MG the other four days; follow this for 2 weeks.
After 2 weeks then go to Prozac 40 MG 2 times a week Prozac 10 MG the other 5 days; follow this for 2 more weeks.
After 2 weeks then go to Prozac 40 MG 1 times weekly with Prozac 10 MG the other 6 days; follow this for 2 weeks.
After 2 weeks then start Prozac 10 MG daily for one week.
After 1 week reduce to Prozac 10 MG daily for 6 days for 1 week; then Prozac 10 MG daily for 5 days for 1 week; then 4 days for 1 week; then 3 days for 1 week; 2 days for 1 week; and finally 1 last dose.

I suffered through the horrible withdrawal effects for 2 days before the PCP talked me into the Prozac. I am not saying that the symptoms will disappear with the Prozac but they are absolutely more tolerable. Please don't suffer through the withdrawal cold turkey as from all accounts the withdrawal lasts anywhere from 3 weeks upward to some have mentioned 3 months and some (thankfully rarely) say it can last even longer. The biggest thing I am still having while taking the Prozac is what I call vertigo (a swimmy-headed feeling) and a mild headache. I am also still having the pin and needle sensation over my body but it seems to be primarily around my privates, which I dislike immensely.
Above all I hope and pray that any of you suffering through this have a really good family support system in place. My wonderful wife has been my rock through this.

#40 erinn005



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    Had to come off Cymbalta b/c I got pregnant...was on it for major depression issues. I've been on and off psych drugs for over a decade. Now I have nothing. Needless to say I am a MESS. And just looking for some hope that this won't last. I'm kind of scared, actually.

Posted 17 November 2011 - 03:02 PM

ask your doc for a prescription for zofran (it helps nausea/vomitting).. I believe it is catagory B for pregnancy

Good luck

Thanks...yes, started taking that 3 days after finding out (on 10-18). Read more info on it yesterday (the generic) and found out that it works by blocking serotonin. Which is already an issue since stopping the Cymbalta. So, using it only when necessary. I do think the withdrawal is beginning to subside, however. The physical effects are just about non-existent. :)

#41 findinganswers



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Posted 17 November 2011 - 11:34 PM

:blink: I am 10 days into stopping cymbalta for Fibromyagia and neurological disfunction. Throughout my life I have been on severl SSRI's but never - NEVER - have I ever felt like this.

I am constantly nauseated, dizzy (turning whole body to see things), irrationally irritable or super emotional (cry at drop of hat), exhausted to the point of crying as I cannot move - cannot sleep - cannot work - cannot focus - typing this is an issue but Im so relieved to find this site I must write something.

What I need desperately to know is - when will this end????

The lovely ladies comment: "I described it to my husband and children like this: I feel like I am about 10 weeks pregnant, very hungover but drunk, coming down with the flu, premenstrual with a brain tumor." is exactly where Im at.

Yesterday I had an ion foot cleanse - beetroot juice cleanse - met with a naturopath -had a hydrotherapy session and rested.
today no better.

Im drinking water - eating all the right foods -taking omega 3's - trying to remain calm - but am not coping.

#42 silverlily21



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Posted 18 November 2011 - 11:22 PM

I am so glad I found this...

I've been feeling a bit low since about this time last year, I was initially prescribed Lexipro but that didn't really do anything so after I hit another low point my GP suggested I try something else. I resisted but after another visit she convinced me it was the right thing to do - I was only taking 30mg for a month, and she bumped me up to 60 after that. Taking 30 I felt okay but was alarmed when she told me she expected me to be taking it for another six months. I thought I'd continue with it until after my exams and then deal with it but I am so angry right now because I was uncomfortable with the dosage and she forced the 60mg on me - that was two weeks ago but I felt a big difference between that and the 30mg and stopped it after a week because it was sending me silly. Now I am dealing with these horrible withdrawal symptoms in the middle of my exams...I saw a different doctor today and he basically told me most antidepressants (for my symptoms anyway) cause more harm than good.
I am twenty one years old and I am just so disgusted at being told I could not feel better without drugs, and even more so at my doctor for not explaining any of the side effects or withdrawal symptoms associated with Cymbalta. Over-medicating is causing the world more problems than we realise.

#43 SantaTim



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Posted 20 November 2011 - 06:36 AM

Good news! Since my last post I have been feeling much better while taking the Prozac per the schedule my PCP worked out. I am really starting to feel much better. I just don't know how much is the Prozac. I took a 40 MG Prozac Friday and 10 MG ever since. So far so good. My only complaint for now is the stomach issues, mild cramping now and mild feelings of nausea. The drooling has stopped, and the dizziness, head spacyness whatever the hell that is, thank goodness has stopped! :lol: My sleeping is almost back to a normal pattern and this is saying a lot because my sleep has been screwed up for years. At the risk of jinxing myself, I have slept about 8 to 10 hours each night for the past 3 nights and actually feel like doing things around the house for the first time in a long time! I have actually gotten some things accomplished for a change...what a great mood enhancer that is! The pain in my penis is greatly diminished, yeah! All around good results switching over to the Prozac to wean off of that slowly, since I could no longer afford the Cymbalta.
On a side note as I spread the word of what I was dealing with and just trying to make people that may be taking or thinking of taking Cymbalta aware of. One of my friends told me that she had the brain zaps a lot of you mention (that I thankfully have been spared) before she started the Cymbalta and that is the only drug that has stopped them for her. For her Cymbalta was a life-saver. I have said repeatedly I am not out to frighten anyone, I just want them to be aware of what is will be like if you have to stop taking this drug.
The best analogy I can think of is the frog in the pot of water that is slowly brought to a boil. That was me on the Cymbalta, I lost so many things over a slow enough time and my mood or I guess the way I feel about things changed to the point that I no longer cared. By that I mean my sex life has been non existent. I slept probably 75% of the time seriously, I would sleep 12 hours and be awake 4 hours max and back to bed for 12 or so more hours. I knew it was a problem and could not fix it, I saw my PCP so many times about that issue I lost count. He kept blaming it on the pain meds I have to take, which he had me believing in a way, but I was taking pain meds in even higher dosages for 4 years or so before the Cymbalta and I did not sleep like that. So I really hope that my sleep pattern continues on the promising road it is now. Those are the real biggies for me, but there are so many little things I can't list them all. But as I reflect on things I really like the way things are going right now.
My main point is that there is good news out there! I can't tell you what is the right answer for you, since we are all unique, but I am happy to share what seems to be working for me in hopes it will help some of you. In a nut shell I stopped Cymbalta 60MG, switched to Prozac 10MG ramping up to a schedule I have shared in another post. In the beginning I did stop all meds for 2 or 3 days (isn't memory a reliable thing?) I don't wish "cold turkey" on my worst enemy and I don't even feel what I experienced was true cold turkey. Prozac here is $4 on the Wal Mart formulary. Unless you just can't take it, I highly recommend this as a way to stop the Cymbalta. I can tell you that I had 4 of what I consider "really bad days", the rest while not being my best days, have been days I have been functional and I feel I am making progress. Please reply if you have any questions or comments. I hope all are able to have a good holiday season in their celebratory ways. Eat plenty of turkey as it is supposed to supply you with natural tryptophan which increases the serotonin! :D

#44 SantaTim



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Posted 20 November 2011 - 06:43 AM

I am so glad I found this...

I've been feeling a bit low since about this time last year, I was initially prescribed Lexipro but that didn't really do anything so after I hit another low point my GP suggested I try something else. I resisted but after another visit she convinced me it was the right thing to do - I was only taking 30mg for a month, and she bumped me up to 60 after that. Taking 30 I felt okay but was alarmed when she told me she expected me to be taking it for another six months. I thought I'd continue with it until after my exams and then deal with it but I am so angry right now because I was uncomfortable with the dosage and she forced the 60mg on me - that was two weeks ago but I felt a big difference between that and the 30mg and stopped it after a week because it was sending me silly. Now I am dealing with these horrible withdrawal symptoms in the middle of my exams...I saw a different doctor today and he basically told me most antidepressants (for my symptoms anyway) cause more harm than good.
I am twenty one years old and I am just so disgusted at being told I could not feel better without drugs, and even more so at my doctor for not explaining any of the side effects or withdrawal symptoms associated with Cymbalta. Over-medicating is causing the world more problems than we realise.

I agree with you a lot of doctors today are too quick to write a script and let you deal with the fall out. I hope you find relief soon! Best wishes on the exams! :)

#45 Clairelouise



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Posted 21 November 2011 - 04:43 AM

Hi guys. Wow I can't believe we are all feeling the same. I feel like I have morning sickness brain zaps no memory at all.

I tried coming off in the summer i went from 60g to 30g for 2 months took every second day etc then after 4 days I gave up and went back on. Well it's now November I have been taking 30g every day then every second day until I got up to 4 days then on 12 November my birthday I made a pact with myself that was it. It's been 9 days I feel rubbish !! But we do have colds in our house so hopefully by Christmas I will be fine.

I have also had road rage and people cheese me off very quickly!!!

Although this is hell cymbalta actually worked very well from me.

#46 justmetoo



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Posted 25 November 2011 - 10:25 PM

I have been on Cymbalta for the last four years for depression and OCD (not a great combo for someone in recovery from an eating disorder!) Recently, I have made the decision to stop taking the meds because of cost...even with insurance the cost of the frequent med checks and the medication was more than I am willing to spend with an already tight budget. I have been trying to wean myself off (my doctor is NOT open to living med free... surprise, surprise) with a one month's supply of 90mgs, I am on week one of no medication and feel like I am dying! Brain buzzing, stomache issues (pain and diarriah), dizziness, but amazingly with someone of my history of depression no emotional symptoms like I am reading about. How long does this last??? Had I known this drug would have this much control over me physically, i would never have taken it!

#47 Persistent



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Posted 05 December 2011 - 10:16 AM

I'm Cymbalta " survivor" as well, on 4 week, still having zeps, but the worst is sleeplessness, that kills me, can't sleep. Any help?

#48 itsnotinyourhead



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Posted 05 December 2011 - 02:33 PM


It was good to read your post!How are you now? I am in my 5th week after going cold turkey from 60 mg. My inital dose was 120-I am so miserable.It is mostly the anger that is catching me off guard-I am just a wretched, bitter, angry, blaming person right now.

Is it getting better? Ive been off 2 wks and some days worse than others. My head feels hot and my hands and feet freezing...I get real angry irritable too, hate it! Does anybody else get terrible nightmares? I wake up and cant get back to sleep. This is scary. And my ears and back itch.

#49 autimom4ever


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Posted 05 December 2011 - 05:06 PM

The lovely ladies comment: "I described it to my husband and children like this: I feel like I am about 10 weeks pregnant, very hungover but drunk, coming down with the flu, premenstrual with a brain tumor." is exactly where Im at.


This describes it best!

#50 Mrs



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Posted 29 December 2011 - 04:14 PM


I'm on day 7 withdrawal from Cymbalta and after reading some forums I thought that it might be the magic number but it doesn't look like it...

-I feel nauseated.
-I feel weak.
-Brain swooshing (probably similar to the zaps).
-Hot flashes and sweats with heart racing then cold (Is this menopause symptoms coming back with a vengeance?) these wake me up several times a night.
-Last but not least I'm having a really strange dizziness where I feel I have to lay down and can't hold my head up. It struck me last night that it could be some sort of hallucination because I feel like my head and body are trying to very very slowly turn to the left. Very weird sensation.

Does anyone have the answer to how long this will take?


Would you please describe the "brain swooshing" you're experiencing? I'm on day 2 of my 3rd attempt at withdrawing from this stuff. I want to be able to accurately descibe for my doctor what I'm experiencing but haven't been able to come up with the right words. Sounds like it might be similar to what you're experiencing.

#51 Touchstone



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Posted 31 December 2011 - 12:50 PM

I just found this site..I have been off cold turkey for 5 days and I feel like I am dieing. I was on 60mg and jsut stopped taking it as I ran out and had decided I dont want to be on these any longer. I have had terrible joint pain for over a year now have been to many drs and nothing. I wondered if it could be these meds? (The only other meds I am on is Synthroid. I had thyroid cancer almost 4 years ago and had it all removed)

The withdrawals are killing me and I dont know what to do. I am missing out on the last few days of my on being home on leave from the

Any suggestions on how long it will last/ reducing the symptoms? Should I just go back on?

Thanks for the support, feeing alone & crazy!

#52 MNGal



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Posted 31 December 2011 - 03:01 PM

New to this site yep I am in withdrawals

#53 MNGal



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Posted 31 December 2011 - 03:06 PM

This describes it best!

And you family understands this, my friends look at me with little understanding :(

#54 MNGal



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Posted 31 December 2011 - 03:11 PM

Does anyone have ridiculous dreams? I am also saying things in my sleep.

:blink: I have had several since withdrawal started, no one lives with me except the dogs so I don't know if I talk in my sleep. Withdrawals are interfering with my life!

#55 MNGal



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Posted 31 December 2011 - 03:17 PM

Is it getting better? Ive been off 2 wks and some days worse than others. My head feels hot and my hands and feet freezing...I get real angry irritable too, hate it! Does anybody else get terrible nightmares? I wake up and cant get back to sleep. This is scary. And my ears and back itch.

:angry: Hello I was iching and it looked like a rash of some type, and I too would wake up itching, weird dreams too. Sleep disturbance I have that to.

#56 Belphoebe



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Posted 31 December 2011 - 08:39 PM

Hi, everyone. I'm so very glad to see that others are going through the same symptoms I am (though very sorry it's necessary!!). I'm Cymbalta-free for 6 days now. I was on 120 mg/day for about 7 years. I dropped to 60 mg for about a month, then 30 for a couple weeks, and was going to start doing the 30 mg every other day business this week. But the brain buzzing started the morning of my "off" day. So what's the point of putting more poison into my system? I couldn't do it to myself. I'm crying at the drop of a hat, brain zapping like crazy, and last night...well, I just kind of skipped the sleep part. I've been trying to explain the brain zapping to people, but it sounds so improbable.

I know that this will pass - and I'll be so glad when it does! However, it will all start again (in some form) when I wean myself off the Welbutrin next.

As part of my move to total health, I no longer eat animal products products of any kind - not even honey. The vegan lifestyle is definitely helping - I gave up my last animal product - Parmesan cheese - the day before Thanksgiving, and I had lost about 15 pounds in the three weeks before I stopped taking Cymbalta. I've lost another five pounds this week. (Please don't be alarmed - I weigh over 200 pounds. The weight loss will slow down as I approach a more normal weight.) I'd really enjoy a decreased appetite - would love to drop weight even quicker! - but no "luck" there. I'm glad I'm not having the nausea, though. I'm always hot - I live in my own perpetual personal summer - but I've actually gotten chilly the last couple days. More withdrawal symptoms? Seems likely. And there has been some intermittent shaking. Oh, and I'm having trouble staying focused...which is why this post is sort of all over the place. I'll be so glad when this is over!

I've also started a program with a company called Maximized Living. They have offices all over the US. They are chiropractors with a twist (sorry - love bad puns). They promote total health through "five essentials." You can check their website for details about their program and philosophy - well worth your time!!! At the location I go to, one of the employees has been through exactly what I'm going through now. It's a great source of comfort! She suggested adding a Vitamin D3 supplement - no crazy doses or anything, just the standard dose. I've done that for two days. I can't tell a difference, but how would I know, right?

According to the folks at Maximized Living (and MDs at Harvard, Johns Hopkins, and every other major medical facilities), if your nervous system isn't healthy, your body isn't going to be healthy. Makes sense, right? I mean, what happens if the nerve to your heart stops working? Your heart stops! If the nerve to your leg stops sending signals, does your leg work? Nope! So they took an xray of my neck, and it turns out that I've lost 98% of the curvature in my neck - the "arc of life." So basically, the nerves in my neck are pinched all over the place, and my organs and glands haven't been getting the signals they need to perform the way they're supposed to for years - many, many years! (I've been on and off anti-depressants for over 30 years...and the nerve problem existed for years before the first symptom appeared - yikes!) If you can correct this arc, you can improve the function of the organs and glands to which the nerves extend. These organs and glands are responsible for producing the hormones that regulate, um, everything, but most specifically in my case, MOOD! My best friend has been working with them for two months, and she's off 5 out of 6 medications, and she's lost 20 pounds. Her mother has been working with them during the same time. When she went in, she was using a cane for balance and in a huge amount of pain. Now she doesn't need her cane, and most of her back pain is gone. No more pain meds for her!

So my main message here - aside from thanks for sharing!!! - is to get your nervous system checked. Those of us who suffer from depression and anxiety (and practically any other disease) are suffering from a diseased or impaired nervous system. If the doctors had checked that FIRST, before prescribing poison... But they don't teach that in medical school, for some reason.

Good luck with your withdrawals. We WILL get through this!

#57 Belphoebe



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Posted 01 January 2012 - 07:54 PM

Day 7 - brain zaps seem a little less intense. Body pain more intense. It's a trade-off, no doubt!

#58 komatoast



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Posted 02 January 2012 - 04:35 PM

Holy cow...Just got to this site, cant believe it, its like I wrote a lot of the posts, they are all idenetical to what I am going through. On this drug for over 2 years, was at 90mg, I have been TOTALLY off it for almost a week now. The electrical jolts are really driving me to the edge of insanity. I have not slept for 5 days now (really). It feels like my head is on fire, I have been sitting with an ice pack for 3 days now. I have never experienced withdrawl from anything, now going through this is almost too much to handle. Makes me feel good to read posts about folks getting through all this. I had to leave a New Years Eve party (which is also my wedding anniversary), because of how bad I felt. Was getting angery, I told my wife we had to go I was about to lose it. My wife is great, very supportive, thank god. I will update as I get through this. The benefits I experienced on this drug are not worth the withdrawl I am now going through. Whoever put this site up and maintains it ty ty.

#59 Touchstone



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Posted 02 January 2012 - 07:21 PM

Holy cow...Just got to this site, cant believe it, its like I wrote a lot of the posts, they are all idenetical to what I am going through. On this drug for over 2 years, was at 90mg, I have been TOTALLY off it for almost a week now. The electrical jolts are really driving me to the edge of insanity. I have not slept for 5 days now (really). It feels like my head is on fire, I have been sitting with an ice pack for 3 days now. I have never experienced withdrawl from anything, now going through this is almost too much to handle. Makes me feel good to read posts about folks getting through all this. I had to leave a New Years Eve party (which is also my wedding anniversary), because of how bad I felt. Was getting angery, I told my wife we had to go I was about to lose it. My wife is great, very supportive, thank god. I will update as I get through this. The benefits I experienced on this drug are not worth the withdrawl I am now going through. Whoever put this site up and maintains it ty ty.

#60 Touchstone



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Posted 02 January 2012 - 07:26 PM

Welcome to the site, I have only been here a few days and it feels like it is the only thing keeping me from complete insanity.
I have been off 60mg cold turkey for 7 days. The head zaps dizziness and nausea are making me crazy,any movement around me
makes me go crazy.I wont drive, Im afraid to do anything. My family is trying to be very supportive, but they have no idea what I am going through.
Good luck,keep the updates coming!

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