How Long Does It Last?
Posted 19 July 2011 - 11:48 AM
I was started on 60 mg Cymbalta a year ago after having a full bi-lateral mastectomy and TRAM reconstruction (cutting stomach muscles to reform breasts). I was having nerve pain from the feeling returning to the severed muscles and my oncologist put me on Cymbalta. It definitely worked to control the pain, but around the same time I began chemotherapy so I had no idea what was causing what feelings or sensations. I have been done with chemo for 6 months now.
The brain flashes continued periodically and when I spoke to my oncologist about it she wanted to do an MRI "just to make sure." Well, I have been weaning off of Cymbalta for 6 weeks now and the flashes were increasing, but I never put the two together until today. I finished my last 20 mg dose 2 days ago and the electrical flashes are almost constant, I'm having a hard time focusing, I cry easily and my stomach has been very nauseated with increased acid reflux. It was not until I started talking it out with another cancer survivor here in the office who said she had not heard of anyone having that as a side effect from chemo before when I realized it could be the Cymbalta. My first Google popped up this site and I feel sane again!!
I thought the weight gain was from chemo, but it has not decreased. I’m excited to see what it will be like when the drug is completely out of my system so I can feel a little more “back to normal.” A feeling I have desired for a year now!
Is there an average time most people seem to feel these symptoms once completely off of Cymbalta? Has anyone else tried the counteracting drugs?
Thanks again for all your posts!!
- MNGal, Risenbeauty and pammynmbr2 like this
Posted 20 July 2011 - 05:31 AM
I did the following to wean:
Dropped from 60 mg daily to 30 mg daily for about 2 weeks.
Then went to 30 mg every other day for about 10 days.
Then went to 30 mg eery two days for about a week.
Once I made it 3 days and was in the throws of withdrawl, I decided to just stop taking it and ride the waves. I did not go on another drug to help.
Good news: Constipation is cured. I have started seeing the scale change as in losing weight. My libido is back. And I can have orgasms again. Novel concept.
The Tough Part- it is tough because you feel like crap for several weeks. YESTERDAY I acutally felt somewhat normal but still off and on I through the day I had moments.
I described it to my husband and children like this: I feel like I am about 10 weeks pregnant, very hungover but drunk, coming down with the flu, premenstrual with a brain tumor.
Brain electrical volts, hot flashes, cold flashes, head swishing around, motion sick, nausea, decreased appetite, crying, (ya, I can cry on DEMAND. A melting iceburg on TV can make me cry. It is rather comical) laughing, moments of anger, tiredness, and the list goes on. Regardless of the symptoms, I am realy glad I made the decision to go off the drug and am really PROUD that I am doing it with the above symptoms. It is a journey/process but it does end.
I am finally feeling better today. I still have a weird sensation in my head but I do know it ends. MY family was just educated that "this is going to suck" but we all recognize that when Mom is crying because I can;t find my way to a new pool, it is just the Cymbalta withdrawl.
What I have found most helpful:
Educate the people around you
Keep living life - go to work etc, as you feel crappy if at home or if at work
Drink lots of water. Cold water tastes best for me
Eat smaller meals because of the nausea.
Avoid alcohol during weaning.
Get your sleep. Rest. It helps
Excercise or at least take walks outside.
keep your social calendar limited for about a month
Be strong, You can do this. I am proof. Here is to living chemical free!
- Fabrizio, ErikaB, shelleez68 and 9 others like this
Posted 30 August 2011 - 11:14 PM
Thank goodness for this website! I thought I was going crazy. I broke down in tears today at work because the electrical flashes had gotten so bad and I thought I was going to have a stroke or had a brain tumor!
I was started on 60 mg Cymbalta a year ago after having a full bi-lateral mastectomy and TRAM reconstruction (cutting stomach muscles to reform breasts). I was having nerve pain from the feeling returning to the severed muscles and my oncologist put me on Cymbalta. It definitely worked to control the pain, but around the same time I began chemotherapy so I had no idea what was causing what feelings or sensations. I have been done with chemo for 6 months now.
The brain flashes continued periodically and when I spoke to my oncologist about it she wanted to do an MRI "just to make sure." Well, I have been weaning off of Cymbalta for 6 weeks now and the flashes were increasing, but I never put the two together until today. I finished my last 20 mg dose 2 days ago and the electrical flashes are almost constant, I'm having a hard time focusing, I cry easily and my stomach has been very nauseated with increased acid reflux. It was not until I started talking it out with another cancer survivor here in the office who said she had not heard of anyone having that as a side effect from chemo before when I realized it could be the Cymbalta. My first Google popped up this site and I feel sane again!!
I thought the weight gain was from chemo, but it has not decreased. I’m excited to see what it will be like when the drug is completely out of my system so I can feel a little more “back to normal.” A feeling I have desired for a year now!
Is there an average time most people seem to feel these symptoms once completely off of Cymbalta? Has anyone else tried the counteracting drugs?
Thanks again for all your posts!!
Grace: How is your stomach??? are you still having acid reflux. I began having reflux a week ago, and it is very uncomfortable
- happyzapynot likes this
Posted 31 August 2011 - 04:03 PM
I swore Id never take it again & now I'm taking a high dose. The first time I started to quit I almost drove my car through a brick wall. I can not explain why either. I just thougt it would be different. I knew right then & there this was a serious drug withdrawl symptom. Then I got in the pool with my 4 year old daughter. I thought of grabbing her face & drowning her! As soon as I felt that urge, I went inside and told my husband he would need to lock me up in a rubber room for 3 days. Unfortunatley it lasted longer tha 3 days. I put myself back on the medicine and went to the health food store. I bought some empty veggie capsules. When I got home I started cutting my pills in half and half again. I was able to have better control over my withdrwls that way. I don't have a crazy, depressed or scary bone in my body! This medicine in very dangerous! I swore I would advocate for it whe I felt better. It does help with my fibromyalgia. I recently however have been doing strange things with this higher dose.
I have been able to become very flexable taking cymbalta. It's been so wonderful. I have been known though to lay on the floor with one of those hand held massagers for up to 8 hours at a time & rub my aching muscles. I started feeling this horrible sensation in my head. Like an itch you can not scratch, I use this electric massager wand on my head to soothe it.
I have felt like I have had a stoke several times. I dont know if it's from the wand or the pills? Now I have severe eye pressure pain wich is a new symptom. I dont know if it "Fibro" or if I have hurt myself trying to sooth the side effects.
I googled side effects & withdrawls from Cymbalta and found you all here. I was totally shocked when I started reading this.
What I thought have been Fibro attacks may possibly be side effects. I am so fuming mad! I started an application to file for disability a few days ago. I have been so severe latley I haven't been able to work. I have been struggeling for 8 years now.
I made an appointment this afternoon to go talk to my Dr. about getting off of this medicine again. OMG I am so glad I am not alone & that I am not crazy! Doctors have no idea how horrible this is.
Just know, you are in my prayers while you go through this.
I plan on getting a script of ZANEX sp? for this time around. I also plan on just taking out 1 little pebble a day of out of the pill. I have no idea how many little time release pebbles there are in a pill. I guess if there's 365 it will take me a year. Which stinks beacuse we are losing our ins starting tomorrow. I have been pricing cymbalta around and I can not believe mine, for 90 MG is about $700.00 a month!
God Bless,
- happyzapynot likes this
Posted 02 September 2011 - 08:21 AM
A lot of disclaimers go along with this.
But, now I know there really is an end to the hell. Good luck!
Posted 03 September 2011 - 07:57 AM
Hang in there! Most posters reccommend weaning very slowly, but that would have prolonged the withdrawal symptoms for too long for me.
Nurse1963 gave a great list of helpful hints. I especially like that she put "Educate the people around you" at the top of the list! I might insert "Educate yourself" even before that and "Take Fish Oil Every Day" somewhere near the bottom.
Posted 04 September 2011 - 06:33 PM
Posted 04 September 2011 - 08:40 PM
Thank God! This is how I feel! I thought I was crazy. When will it be over?
- tabletop1973 likes this
Posted 15 September 2011 - 02:46 PM
You are so bang on with that description!
I am 2 weeks free tomorrow, days 5, 6 & 7 were the worst for me. I was on Cymbalta for a year for post Spine surgery neuropathy & situational depression, the plan was to take it for a year. In August, I discovered that my Thyroid levels had almost doubled in the time I had been taking the Cymbalta, could be my age but also could be one of the rarer side effects of Cymbalta (1/100 - 1/1000) so I decided to stop, my year was up anyway. So, I tapered over 3 weeks from 40mg - 30 mg - 20mg. It was brutal, but, like childbirth, I tried to think of every symptom that I felt, no matter how debilitating and frightening, each one was taking me a bit closer to being free of the drug. I am so glad to be free of it, I feel like the world is coming back to 3D again.
I fully agree with Nurse 1963's helpful hints, I would add take lots of Omega 3 & electrolytes. I took the powdered electrolytes as they work out much cheaper & I took Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omegas 2 x 1000 mg 3 times a day - really really helped with the brain zaps. I also took Flor Essence. As far as I can tell, nourishing your brain (Omega 3), gently detoxing your liver (Flor-Essence), staying hydrated (electrolytes) flushing out your kidneys are very helpful during this withdrawal period. The other thing that really helped was Chamomile tea.
I'm still a little emotional & snappy (although just got period so not unusual), and not coping with stressful situations too well but I am massively better than I was a week ago, it does get better, I promise!
Posted 28 September 2011 - 12:37 AM
I have a question for you...I was on 90 mgs of cymbalta and I weaned myself off. I had been on it for over 3 yrs and I wanted to see how life would be without it (plus i saw a scary documentary about how anti-depressants can reduce your brain's ability to make serotonin-silly, i know =)
My withdraw symptoms were being nauseous-all the time and the worst thing was that I was more depressed than I already normally ~! I mean extremely depressed w/some angry nasty outbursts and sometimes suicidal-thinking I should be dead on a daily basis- (even on a 2 wk cruise!). This went on for 3-4 wks - then I couldn't do it anymore
I started taking 30 mgs again and, well, the suicidal depression and daily breakdowns stopped. I thought I was just one of those people that had to be on this stuff forever. But- now, out of no where I can't have an orgasm at all and this was NEVER EVER, never ever a problem in the past 3 yrs I was on it. But now, on a much lower dosage, this is what I get-no satisfaction. I cant understand it. So, I think I have to try and stop taking it again. I also gained 40-45 lbs when I started taking it and well, if I knew I would lose some weight just by stopping this med, that would be great incentive as well-how long does it actually take to lose the weight anyway?
Anyway, I am scared to feel that way again. It sucked. It was like having the worst PMS every f'in day. I wanted know if any of you felt extra depressed when you stopped, and if so, how long did it take ....b/c I am not sure I could handle another 3-4 wks of that - should I just keep taking it and have an orgasmless life?
Also, what the heck should I do now-any advice? Just leave well enough alone? switch to another one?
Any suggestions are so greatly appreciated~!! Nicole
Posted 29 September 2011 - 06:56 PM
- jbmdthackery likes this
Posted 30 September 2011 - 07:10 AM
- jbmdthackery likes this
Posted 12 October 2011 - 10:30 AM
I'm on day 7 withdrawal from Cymbalta and after reading some forums I thought that it might be the magic number but it doesn't look like it...
-I feel nauseated.
-I feel weak.
-Brain swooshing (probably similar to the zaps).
-Hot flashes and sweats with heart racing then cold (Is this menopause symptoms coming back with a vengeance?) these wake me up several times a night.
-Last but not least I'm having a really strange dizziness where I feel I have to lay down and can't hold my head up. It struck me last night that it could be some sort of hallucination because I feel like my head and body are trying to very very slowly turn to the left. Very weird sensation.
Does anyone have the answer to how long this will take?
Posted 12 October 2011 - 02:56 PM
Unfortunately, not really. I'm on day 20 & things are improving slowly. Others have felt human again by now & some have taken a little longer.
We are all made differently & have different issues or reasons for being on this poison so I guess the withdrawal process will be different too.
Bottom line, please don't give up. Keep readin this forum as you go along. I know it's helped keep me strong.
Good luck
Posted 12 October 2011 - 03:33 PM
Posted 24 October 2011 - 06:09 PM
I'm so sad for everyone here at the moment BUT I'm soooo pleased you exist. I'm on day 7 of being free from the poison they call Cymbalta after just on 2 years taking it. Yesterday & today have been my worst so far. Please tell me it gets better! I'm not a young woman & without an ounce of fear I chased down a car that cut me off today, stormed from my car towards a very young, fit & feral character & was going to rip his head off. As funny as that sounds, it terrifies me now, sitting here thinking about what could have been. The same doctor writing out scripts for me was the one who was thrilled when I told him him I want off this crap. What's the go with that?! Someone should be held accountable for the suffering we're going through. Brain Zaps - aren't they the bomb. I've never experienced anything like it. Anger, irritability, up, down, aggressive, passive, determined, then scared, energetic, tired as hell, aches, pains, nausea, confusion, clarity, tougher than the average mama bear then crying at the drop of a hat. Oh what joy. I know only one thing. This crap is not going to beat me. I am very lucky to have the support and understanding of a wonderful husband who bears the brunt of all of the above and even luckier I found you guys. Thank you all for sharing your experiences. It has really really helped
It was good to read your post!How are you now? I am in my 5th week after going cold turkey from 60 mg. My inital dose was 120-I am so miserable.It is mostly the anger that is catching me off guard-I am just a wretched, bitter, angry, blaming person right now.
Posted 25 October 2011 - 04:09 AM
I went 60mg for nearly 3 years to 30mg for 3 weeks, then stopped. The anger has all but disappeared, I'm feeling kinda human lol. There are still a few things going on. Bloody brain zaps won't give up but they are getting less frequent & less severe.
I turned to a whole heap of natural stuff, the main one being UDO 3, 6, 9. It helps calm you & helps the aches & pains after a while. No magic cure, but it helps.
I really hope you feel better soon. Keep reading this forum. It's just so comforting to know you're not alone. Best wishes
Posted 26 October 2011 - 09:11 AM
I just found this site, Thank God--I am 20 days off Cymbalta cold-turkey, and no medical professional ever even mentioned withdrawal symptoms!!! I have had all of the symptoms that people here are talking about, and until 2 days ago thought I had the flu, maybe a brain tumor or some other undiagnosed horiffic disease! I pray this will get better soon as I can't get anything accomplished and will go broke if I don't get back to work soon...I am so glad I found this site, because at least now I know what the hell is wrong with me!!!Hi there. 5 weeks on & I'm doing really well actually - thanks for askingI went 60mg for nearly 3 years to 30mg for 3 weeks, then stopped. The anger has all but disappeared, I'm feeling kinda human lol. There are still a few things going on. Bloody brain zaps won't give up but they are getting less frequent & less severe. I turned to a whole heap of natural stuff, the main one being UDO 3, 6, 9. It helps calm you & helps the aches & pains after a while. No magic cure, but it helps. I really hope you feel better soon. Keep reading this forum. It's just so comforting to know you're not alone. Best wishes
Posted 26 October 2011 - 04:19 PM
IT WILL END. You just need to hang in there. Noone can say how long each one of us will take to be clear of this poison, it differs for each person, but it will end.
Reading through this site every day or so & keeping up to date with others progress was one of the most important parts of my journey off this crap. It's comforting to know you're not alone & hearing other peoples stories of their horrific experiences seems to keep it all in check for you. It's quite unreal but you turn from victim to counsellor in some instances & kinda forget how bad you feel yourself!
I thank everyone who has posted anything on this site. I'm indebted to you all
- jbmdthackery likes this
Posted 30 October 2011 - 10:58 PM
God help me get through this!
Posted 31 October 2011 - 03:47 PM
Lightheadedness, major headaches, vomiting, shaking, crying, hot to cold to hot again, heart racing, the smell of any sort of food making me nauseous-even the thought of food makes me run for the porcelain bus.
I can't move my eyes or turn my head quickly withough feeling like I'm about to pass smooth out. Painkillers don't help, the only thing that helps is sleeping.. Unfortunately, the symptoms come back after an hour or so of being awake. After reading all the things that people have posted, I have a new found hope that, even though the journey will be long, scary, and painful, I will get through this. Luckily I am not manic, so I am hopeful that I won't have the homicidal thoughts. I'm switching to a new seritonin reuptake inhibitor, something that doesn't mess with the nor-epi. In a few months I hope to be chemical free altogether. I wish you all luck in your journies.
Posted 31 October 2011 - 09:30 PM
I'm four days off of Cymbalta. I am already feeling the withdrawl symptoms..
Lightheadedness, major headaches, vomiting, shaking, crying, hot to cold to hot again, heart racing, the smell of any sort of food making me nauseous-even the thought of food makes me run for the porcelain bus.
I can't move my eyes or turn my head quickly withough feeling like I'm about to pass smooth out. Painkillers don't help, the only thing that helps is sleeping.. Unfortunately, the symptoms come back after an hour or so of being awake. After reading all the things that people have posted, I have a new found hope that, even though the journey will be long, scary, and painful, I will get through this. Luckily I am not manic, so I am hopeful that I won't have the homicidal thoughts. I'm switching to a new seritonin reuptake inhibitor, something that doesn't mess with the nor-epi. In a few months I hope to be chemical free altogether. I wish you all luck in your journies.
I'm now 4 days too Samilynn and today was better for me than yesterday. The stomach pain wasn't as bad and I kept all my food down! The brain zaps have been just slightly less intense today and I can take those when the nausea isn't as bad, having both was too much for me. I have figured out not to move my eyes around too much or the intense zaps start up again. Also the hot then cold thing is driving me nuts. I have had some minor heart palpitations and a couple instances of shortness of breath, but the worst is the nausea and brain zaps. I am trying an Omega 3/6/9 complex to hopefully help, but now I am burping fish oil.
I agree I feel luckly that I haven't had any suicidal/homicidal thoughts - only a shorter temper than usual. Today that was much better too. Really comparing yesterday to today I am much better. I only hope it keeps going this way - my mother-in-law who doesn't like me too much as I am wife #2 for my awesome hubby (I mean that about him sincerely, he has been my rock through all of this) is coming to visit Wednesday, but it is the first time in 5 years of marriage she has suggested a visit so that is looking up too
Good luck with everything and I think we should keeping posting our daily progress as we are both on day 4 and compare our experiences.
Posted 01 November 2011 - 10:18 PM
I just hope this keeps going in an upward direction and that I remember not to move my eyes from side to side too much which kicks the zaps into overdrive!
Posted 04 November 2011 - 08:50 PM
I'm definitely am going to steal this description!! Thank u! I feel this same exact way and have been since I started taking this awful drug 2 years ago but could never understand why. I just started weaning myself off 3 days ago. I'm counting beads and started with removing 7 the first day and 14 the second, 21 the third... etc. Adding 7 to the amount I remove every day. So far so good. I take my pill in the morning and I feel ok during the day but as the night goes on it wears off and I feel icky but i'm only 3 days in. Fingers crossed.
Posted 05 November 2011 - 01:19 AM
Posted 05 November 2011 - 07:10 AM
I asked a pharmacist how long they think withdraw should last, and he said 1 week after the last dose taken...
I've on the 2nd week (no Cymbalta, after a taper) and are still having moments... especially in the morning
What do you think?
Posted 05 November 2011 - 03:26 PM
Has anyone had to deal with the withdrawal hell and first-trimester pregnancy issues? I'm a freaking mess. Want nothing to do with most people (ESPECIALLY my husband, no matter what it is), want to hide away from everything, and I am either angry or totally detached. Hard to focus, hard to concentrate, can't remember anything (which makes starting a new position HARD). The head stuff is what it is. I'm more concerned with how I am emotionally/mentally. Everything that I struggled with before is intensified - the combo of pregnancy and withdrawal is NOT nice. Which in turn drives me to shut down even more...and I feel totally out of control. I know that it is best for the baby to be off the meds - but this really scares me some days. I'm still in the early stages of being without it - probably a week. God help me get through this. I know I can't do much about the pregnancy stuff, but for real - something has to give.
ask your doc for a prescription for zofran (it helps nausea/vomitting).. I believe it is catagory B for pregnancy
Good luck
Posted 08 November 2011 - 03:59 PM
Posted 08 November 2011 - 08:01 PM
The question was "How long does it last?" My guess is that it will vary with the individual, but I am now 25 days drug free, and while I still have off moments (yes I can still throw a tantrum to challenge that of any two year old) I do so less often. The brain zaps which were god-awful have calmed down, but not completely stopped. I cry less, and sleep better. It helps to view progress from a long lens; look for weekly progress, not daily. I am taking 5-HTP and think that it is helping some. I know I will be fine eventually; I just wish for sooner rather than later. Best wishes to all of you on the parallel journey.
I have been taking 90mg of Cymbalta for over 2 yrs. for joint pain. I had a prescription problem and just have not had it refilled because I was out of town over the weekend and now I am trying to get it straightened out with my Drs. office, so it has been about 5 days. I wondered what was wrong with me and NEVER thought it could be the withdrawal of Cymbalta??? I am a recovering alcoholic (have 1 yr sober) and I don't need this craziness. I am sooooooooooooooooo tired. Could sleep ALL day. Head is spinning and the nausea started last night. Just randomly googled this today. You can bet your butt I will be talking verbally to my dr. tomorrow to ask about these withdrawal issues!
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