I counted 192 (but I may have dropped a few beads!) beads in my 60mg pills.
That is 3.2 per mg.
So my goal is:
Week 1 decrease by 3 beads. (189 beads per pill) = 59/mg
Week 2: decrease by 9 beads. (176 beads)/pp) = 55/mg
Week 2: add 20mg of Prozac each day moving forward
Week 3: decrease by 18 beads (162 beads) = 50/mg
Week 4: decrease by 30 beads (132 beads) = 41.mg
Weak 5: decrease by 30 beads (102 beads) = 31.8mg
Week 6: decrease by 30 beads (72 beads) = 22.5 mg
Week 7: decrease by 36 beads (32 beads) = 11.25 mg
Week 8: decrease by 7 beads (25 beads) = 5mg
Week 9: Prozac 20mg only
Does this make sense?
Good luck with the whole Prozac thing. I would suggest making your schedule so Friday is the day/night you drop down. That way if you do have withdrawal effects, it won't be in the middle of the week and effect your work.
Maybe you should do some google searching about when to 'switch' to prozac. By what you've got planned. You're basically going to add Prozac 20mg to your full 60mg cymbalta dose (5mg is a rounding error, in terms of a full 60mg dose).
Maybe switch that to week 5 or 6? It seems weaning below 30mg is where most people have problems anyways.
I personally wouldn't do that, but it depends on what you're trying to do. If you just want to switch to a low dose of Prozac, you probably don't need 9 weeks.
Also just to let you know.. I was very shocked myself, I reduced my dose by 1mg (could have been slightly more, but less than 2mg) at the start, and that was one of the worst weeks I experienced, it was easier when I fully stopped than that first week.
So just know it's perfectly fine to continue as needed, an extra week of the same dose to increase stablility before dropping down.
Also, avoid alocohol drinking and things like that which effect your brain chemistry.