An update.
Hi, Hope you are all well
I don't know how long it is since I tapered and stopped and I can't be arsed lookin' but it's been a few months..
A pattern is emerging.....I can have, or expect, 7 or 8 good/normal days when all is well and I am coping,thanks very much...
and then a little pang of anxiety kicks in and I imagine things are gonna go to shit,and they do! after the anxiety pang I am completely DRAINED of energy and usually emotions
and then the depression shows up just to keep the anxiety company. This can lay me out flat like the world is ending and it takes 2 or 3 days to get sorted in the head and energy department
It's almost like I can't enjoy the good days as I await the crash to follow...and I am scared of it,believe me,it's ugly,ugly,ugly
WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH ME? Is this how I am this how I have always been and it is NOTHING at all to do with the two withdrawals this past 9 months?
Can people have terrible depression and anxiety that's lasts for a week only to clear up and come back the week later after a respite? Or, even at this late stage is my ass still owned by Diazepam and Cymbalta WD's?
I can't go on like this and I don't want to revert to any kind of anti Depression med again....I'd rather not be here TBH than live like this. The anxiety and depression scares the shit out of me and even infiltrates my dreams to torment me
so, there you have it....I don't know if I am fucked in the head with week on week off depression or still at the mercy of Cymbalta
** tapered and finally stopped the DULOXETINE beginning of March and that was after stopping Diazepam the previous month...the taper was an overlap
doing the two WD's at same time and finally stopped the Diazepam middle of February
Stopped DUL30 a week or so shy of 3 months ago and the diazepam 13 weeks ago