I took Cymbalta 40mg for two days but I have bad insomnia, increased sweating, upper body feeling hot(almost like prickly heat) which made me toss and turn during sleeping making the sleep worse.
The first day I took Cymbalta was 20mg in morning and night. Also took Clonazepam .375mg at night. Woke up at 2:30am, then 3:30am, then awake till morning when I took Clonazepam .125mg and slept for 45 minutes. The second night was more or less similar - woke up at 12:30am. Usually, I go to bed at 11pm.
Also been taking Clonazepam .25/.5mg at night either before sleeping or if I wake up at night. For last few days, also take Clonazepam .125mg in morning and afternoon.
When I was on Clomipramine (stopped about two months back), I had the same increased sweating & upper body feeling hot(almost like prickly heat) which made me toss and turn during sleeping making the sleep worse.
The Psych has prescribed Cymbalta 20mg x 2 for 4 days and then increasing to 30mg x 2 for another week or so.
My main symptoms are continuous background thoughts about my health/anxiety/sleep/future/
Is it safe to just stop Cymbalta cold turkey after being on it for two days or do I need to cold taper? Thank you.