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Your Personal Opinion On Therapy

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#1 MakeAnimeIllegal



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Posted 03 February 2022 - 06:41 PM

Basically the title. Do you find it useful, financially feasible, etc? I have a pretty cynical point of view regarding therapy, but I realize I'm probably in the minority here.

If you like therapy, how do you personally approach your sessions? What kind of things do you talk about?

#2 invalidusername


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Posted 03 February 2022 - 07:28 PM

Therapy has a lot to do with the relationship between the therapist and the patient. There needs to be a good match between the two. If that isn't there, then it will simply not happen. Therapy is a tried and proven method to help people with their mental health problems, but the patient must be willing to participate. It is not like a drug that will do the work for you as long as you take it every day, therapy need participation from yourself. Sometimes talking is all that is needed, other times it is EMDR or CBT. All have differing levels of participation and personal effort.


I for sure would not be anywhere close to the point I am today without the work I went through with my therapist. It took work on my part, trust, integrity. There was blood sweat and tears, but it sure worked. I went through 4 other therapists until I found her, but it was worth the wait. 


There is no doubt in my mind that therapy has its place in helping people through their problems.



#3 fishinghat


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Posted 04 February 2022 - 10:10 AM



I am a strong believer in cognitive behavioral therapy. The therapist will spend a few hours just primarily getting to know you but then slide into coping skills. There are a lot of things you can do to learn to control your symptoms. They take some practice but will be beneficial the rest of your life. I have found that once I became good at those techniques it enabled me to more easily control my daily stress situations. I have also known many who have had therapists who specialize in mindfulness techniques and have benefited significantly. This focuses on how your brain perceives stress.

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