I have been on Cymbalta, Wellbutrin and klonopin for 21 years for pain. I have been trying to come off of them. I’d get to a low dose and something would fall apart with anxiety, heart palpitations, irritability and insomnia and I’d have to go back up. Now I think it was the Cymbalta. In August 2021, I was down to 1mg klonopin, 25mg Wellbutrin and 7 beads of Cymbalta (100 beads in 20mg capsule). Two weeks after I got the recommended shot, the world fell apart. My heart started pounding at night and I thought I was having a heart attack. I went to ER and my heart is fine. Multiple specialists and psychiatrists later, my endocrinologist said this is Cymbalta withdrawal. I had gone back up to 10 beads of Cymbalta so I’m on 2mg. My doc said I could stop the Wellbutrin in August since that made me anxious and he upped my klonopin in August and November.
My symptoms are anxiety, increased heart rate, insomnia with waking heart rate around 100, brain fog, nervousness, inability to handle stress and crying a lot. I’m a 51 year old mess. I’m not working or cooking or doing much of anything. My psychiatrist didn’t catch what was going on but decided to start me on Zoloft which I’m reading can counter the withdrawal side effects. I’m only on 37.5mg of Zoloft as I’m sensitive to medicine and I had an increase in anxiety when I started Zoloft. I have been on it for 9 days and my heart rate has come down and I’m sleeping better at night. I still have a lot of anxiety and I’m scared that I have to manage my medicine cause my doctor doesn’t know how to. All the other psychiatrists I have called aren’t seeing new patients.
Anyway, how much Zoloft can or should I take with 2mg Cymbalta? When do I stop the Cymbalta? And I’m not putting the beads in a capsule, just taking them plain. Is this wrong too? I don’t know how I got to this point, but I feel like I’m in a hole I can’t get out of. Once I deal with this, I still have the klonopin. No one ever told me these things were hard to stop. I never even took opiates for the pain cause I didn’t want to get addicted, so ironic.