Yes Son - you are spot on. The best way to withdraw is to do so with as close to steady stream of cymbalta in your system. To put it in a mathematical formulae;
1 + 2 beads - taking 1 bead at 8am and 2 at 8pm - note that it take 3 hours to reach max serum level
11am - 225% (100% from 1 bead morning dose, 25% left from previous morning 1 bead, 100% from previous evening dose)
11pm - 300% (50% left from morning dose 1 bead, 50% from previous evening 2 bead, 200% from evening dose)
Sorry if the math is a bit confusing, but you can see that you will have a spike in the evening, which will reduce every morning and induce a mini withdrawal of its own
1 + 1 + 1 beads - taking 1 bead at 8am, then 4pm, then 12am
11am - 238% (100% from latest dose, 67% left from 3am dose, 46% left from 7pm dose 25% left from yesterdays 11am dose)
7pm - 238% (100% from latest dose, 67% left from 11am dose, 46% left from 3am dose 25% left from yesterdays 7pm dose)
3am - 238% (100% from latest dose, 67% left from 7pm dose, 46% left from11am dose 25% left from yesterdays 3am dose)
So evenly spaced beads will give you a steady level of serum throughout the day. You won't have the massive 75% drop in doses (which constitutes a third of the dose) which believe me can make all the difference. So odd doses can be dealt with this way which will help maintain the serum levels and alleviate the associated issues.
Hope that gives you a suitable picture....
p.s. Hat - feel free to check my math!!