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Interested In Supplements - Where Is The E-Book?

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#1 tipping



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Posted 25 June 2021 - 07:53 AM

Hi I'm a newbie

Currently on 40mg, down from 60mg. been on duloxetine for 0ver 20 years, ADs over 20years. This is my 2nd go at tapering properly.

I have severe depression at the moment and could do with some extra help.

I've noticed references to supplements like Ashwagandha which I know nothing about. 

I saw that there is an E-Book but I can't locate it. Where do I find it?


Many thanks.

#2 tipping



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Posted 25 June 2021 - 07:56 AM

Sorry maybe I should have said I'm also on HRT - nopt sure if that affects what supplements it's OK to take.

#3 fishinghat


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Posted 25 June 2021 - 10:37 AM

Welcome tipping


The ebook is pinned at the top of the Medical Support section in the forums.


This should get you directly to it...




If you have problems let me know.

#4 invalidusername


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Posted 28 June 2021 - 06:35 PM

Hi Tipping and welcome,


First and obvious question is why are you withdrawing if you still suffer from depression? Are you changing meds, stopping because they don't work, or looking for an alternative route to approach your depression?


I am very sorry to hear that you have been on them for so long - but you are certainly not alone. There are plenty out there that have been on these things for a long time - myself... 14 years, so not far behind you.


More than happy to help you with supplements and such - and other potential routes if that is what you are going for. Is it purely depression that you suffer from, or is there anxiety, OCD or anything else involved?



#5 tipping



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Posted 29 June 2021 - 03:00 AM

Hello IUN

Thanks for the welcome. Good question re why I'm trying to come off. 

I was feeling particularly low when I wrote that first post - it's been a bad couple of months but prior to that i was quite stable and wanted to try reducing my dose (3rd time trying to slowly taper - both previous times I gave up once I got below 20mg). Overall ADs just don't seem to be all that effective - after the initial reduction in my symptoms I still go into cycles of anxiety or depression. There's a mistake in my first post - I've been on duloxetine about 13 years. I do wonder if there's some poop out. 


I started meditating regularly a couple of years ago after reading up on the neuroscience and positive research on neuroplasticity. I have had a really good therapist for nearly a year now as well and I exercise regularly. I suppose I want to see if I can manage my moods with other methods. I'm not anti-medication - if there was something new and exciting I'd probably go for it. I did wonder about escitalopram but I expect it's the same old thing.


I was excited reading about supplements on here - I'm on survivingantidepressants.com and hadn't come across that info. I struggle in the mornings with extra low mood so could do with help with that. I don't get to sleep easily but even sleeping pills and benzos don't address that - I just lie around super relaxed but don't go to sleep!

I've bought:

NAC 600mg

KSM 500mg

Suntheanine 200mg.


Any suggestions welcomed!

Thanks so much.

#6 tipping



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Posted 29 June 2021 - 08:02 AM

I should also say I read the ebook - brilliant.

I currently take

fish oil 

Glucosamine with chrondoitin (for issues with bladder pain)

quercetin (for issues with balde

vitamin d3


multi vitamin (http://www.terranova...ivitamin-woman/) which contains all sorts!

#7 fishinghat


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Posted 29 June 2021 - 09:05 AM

The NAC, KSM and Suntheanine sounds like a good place to start. I would suggest starting one at a time to see if there are any side effects and to see how well it works. Also, what dose of magnesium are you taking?


Just to let you know, I am not a big fan of mutivitamins. Half of the ingredients have potential side effects or potential allergic freactions. Multivitamins reactions are responsible for a large part of ER visits each year. Just my thoughts.

#8 tipping



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Posted 29 June 2021 - 10:20 AM

I'll read up on multi vitamins!


I take magnesium citrate 150mg and I take 2 or 3 at night. For aching legs and because I heard it helps you relax. And I have constipation and this can help a bit.


I'll try a week of NAC  then stop, then do a week of KSM, then stop and finally a week of Suntheanine and see how they compare.

#9 fishinghat


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Posted 29 June 2021 - 05:08 PM

Magnesium is used to treat constipation, that is correct. It should only be used for short-term use though as doses greater than 100 mg/day have been lin ked to irratic heart rythmm, anxiety and low calcium levels as well as many other conditions.  Magnesium competes with calcium in the body. The drs I have discussed this issue with have said that magnesium should not be taken unless a blood serum level shows a need and then rechecked every 6 months after that. Calcium should also be checked with the magnesium. It should also be noted that around 9% of people who take magnesium on a constant basis exhibit significant anxiety as a side effect. There are medical journal articles and an in depth discussion on this in the ebook.


I like the idea of a 1 week test on each of those products. That should give you a clearer picture of there effectiveness. The ebook has information on the suggested doses of each.

#10 invalidusername


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Posted 05 July 2021 - 01:38 PM

Sorry for delay tipping


The ingredients of your multi vitamins are very well sourced and represent the best of what is available, but as Hat said, there can be a lot of in there that is simply not required, and can cause further complications. Again, the D3 if there is a known deficiency.


Just to add to what Hat said, the KSM would need more than a week's trial ideally to justify the effects. You will probably need to play a little with the respective doses of each to find the correct dose for yourself. My sweet spot was 1000mg (1gm) of KSM, but note that any ashwagandha needs a tolerance break every month of a few days to maintain efficacy. 


The Suntheanine you will need to start low and work your way up (maximum of 600mg). Can be taken regularly or as needed. Does not need as much time to build up in your system, but again you will need to find the right dose, if it works for you.


Please report back when you can as we are always keen to see how our members get on with supplements.



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