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Finally Off Cymbalta -- Thank You For The Advice!

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#1 Iknowthiswillgetbetter



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Posted 15 June 2021 - 05:38 PM

It's been a long 2 years, but I'm so happy to have finally reached the finish line in my attempt to get off Cymbalta.  I reached out to you when I was having trouble, and I am grateful for all the support and advice you gave, especially in the guide.  Thanks to you, I learned the doctors really don't know how to wean us off this at all. One doctor told me I could "cross-taper" to Wellbutrin for a month then quit, and another told me to start alternating days which was the WORSE thing I could have done. Horrible zaps and unrelenting itching that made me completely crazy!

Here's how I did it -- I got the doctor to prescribe 60mg in 30mg capsules, and then 40mg in 20mg capsules when I was ready to step down the dose - making sure to take a dose every day at the same time.

60mg to 50mg -- Replacing 1 60mg dose per week with a 50mg (30mg+20mg) dose until all 7 days are at 50mg then stayed at this level for another month or two.

50mg to 40mg -- Replacing 1 50mg dose per week with a 40mg (20mg+20mg) dose until all 7 days are at 40mg then stayed at this level for another month or two.

40mg to 30mg -- Replacing 1 40mg dose per week with a 30mg dose until all 7 days are at 30mg then stayed at this level for another month or two.


30mg to 20mg -- Replacing 1 30mg dose per week with a 20mg dose until all 7 days are at 20mg then stayed at this level for another 3-4 months.


Once I got down to 20mg the harder part came as I had to break open the capsules and count out the pellets, taking out 1 extra each day until I got down to about 2 pellets left. Then I finally started spacing out the days. First 2 days, then 3 between doses, etc until I finally got to 2 weeks and then stopped. I'm now at 4 weeks since my last dose of 2 pellets. I saved some pellets in case I need them in the coming month or so, but so far the withdrawal effects have been pretty manageable. 

I told my doctor the story today and she was amazed to hear how hard it was to finally get off it. Hopefully she will know better on how to advise patients in the future.

Best wishes to all who read this forum --

#2 invalidusername


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Posted 16 June 2021 - 07:11 AM



Thank you so much for taking the time to fill us in on your method of withdrawal. It sounds absolutely textbook and the method we advocate here so very glad to hear that this minimised the symptoms for you.


Even better that you told the doctor - they need educating in these matters and you have now potentially helped a lot more of the doctors patients. The issue being that a patient never likes to hear that they need to take upwards of a year to come off a drug, so the doctors still might not follow this course of action, but it should be given to the patient for an option and let them decide.


Again - sincere thanks for you your write up and I wish you all the very best for you Cymbalta-free journey from here on!!



#3 fishinghat


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Posted 16 June 2021 - 08:14 AM

Marci, A job well done. You should be very proud of yourself. If we can ever be of any help please feel free to comback any time. 


God bless and take care.

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