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Body Sensation Inquiries

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#1 jvlouis



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Posted 17 May 2021 - 07:57 AM

To start off, my psychiatrist never briefed me on any side effects so this website is mind-blowing. I wanted to ask about these "brain zaps" that I've read about on here. I have been experiencing this weird feeling of almost vertigo since I've started my treatment of duloxetine (30mg now 60mg). It's best described as a falling and also spinning sensation at the same time but in my brain. I hope that makes sense to someone. I sort of assumed it was my Trileptal and somehow correlated with the anti-convulsant aspect. I get this feeling most every day, if not multiple times a day. It's such an indescribable, odd feeling. Could someone explain if this is a brain "zap" or if it's not, what is a brain "zap" and what do you think I'm feeling?


I also wanted to make this post in regards to some extreme body pains I've been feeling over the past handful of months. I'm recovering from multiple eating disorders that have consumed me for the past nine years. I've been experiencing sore joints, weak muscles, and just general body pains constantly. Mostly pain in my shoulders, wrists, knees, neck, and back, as well as some rib pains. I assumed it was because of the damage my eating disorders have done to my body; my muscles have been eaten by my body and the possibility of osteopenia sounded likely. After scrolling through some posts on here, I noticed a lot of you guys have had horrible body aches as a side effect of Cymbalta. Does anyone have any opinion on if it could be one or the other? I know I should visit a doctor to know for sure, but I currently don't have a doctor to see so I'm curious in the meantime. I'm very sensitive to a lot of medications and have had a plentiful amount of side effects from prior medications, including liver dysfunction from isotretinoin. Should I get some blood tests done, can Cymbalta effect the liver and has anyone had that happen? All help is appreciated. 

#2 fishinghat


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Posted 17 May 2021 - 08:16 AM

Welcome jvlouis


The disorientation symptoms you describe is common in the early stages of withdrawal. They  are often accompanied by dizziness when rapidly moving your eyes from side to side. Brain zaps feel like the firing of electrical shocks through the brain. they are usually rapid and may have some pain and/or discomfort with them.


Pain during withdrawal is very common. Pain that was present before going on Cymbalta often reoccurs on a more intense level during withdrawal and does not usually resolve until near the end of the withdrawal. General body aches and pains are also common. They often do not resolve until near the end of withdrawal as well. Could the eating disorders be causing/contributing? Possible I guess but the physiological mechanisms of eating disorders are not well understood and make it very subjective to try and determine an answer to that question.


All ssri and snri antidepressants, including Cymbalta, carry a risk of liver damage. The drug inserts that come with the medication usually reflects that concern. Most drs recommend an annual CMP (complete metabolic panel) at least annually as it monitors Alt and Ast, two enzymes that the liver produces. 

#3 jvlouis



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Posted 17 May 2021 - 12:01 PM



Thank you for your reply! After reading what you wrote, I feel strongly that what I'm experiencing are brain zaps. Do you have any suggestions about how to help manage this? In regards to the body pains, that is all good insight for me. I feel it's a combination of a lot of things and hopefully I can find a good doctor(s) to help me resolve it. I definitely need to get some blood tests done as well. I wish my psychiatrist had informed me about all of these things, this website has given me more intelligence about Cymbalta in a few hours than she has over the course of months!

#4 fishinghat


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Posted 17 May 2021 - 01:23 PM

There are several things that have proved helpful to members. The most common is omega 3. The most effective is a dose of 2000 to 3000 mg/day  of a product high in EPA and DHA Omega 3. More details can be found in our ebook. It is the pinned thread in the "Medical Support" section. It also includes the brands most often used. Be sure and get one that is molecularly distilled and certified mercury free.


If there is any way we can help further please let us know. Keep us informed on your successes and failures as that is how we all learn.

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