I started stopping cymbalta 6 weeks ago and now this is the fourth week without any drug or supplements except omega 3.
Yesterday, I woke up in the middle of the night vomiting something that burns (like acid). I felt my chest tighten afterwards for sometime. Then I got involuntary shivers and chills over my body including parts inside my chest. I feel like my poop is moving very slowly in the colon. I took Librax (Chlordiazepoxide/clidinium bromide) and a laxative since Librax causes constipation to me and i already feel my colon moves very slowly. Of course I was a bit anxious.
Is there a supplement that i can take if i got these involuntary chills instead of librax? Every time I take Librax I feel bad and depressed the next day.
I think the Vomiting is not directly related to the cymbalta's withdrawal as i had a lot of water and ate food just before I sleep. I rarely get this acid reflux but while on cymbalta I never get the chills and shivers attack. I started getting those the first time I started stopping cymbalta (this is the third time stopping cymbalta)
Thank you