I'm interested to know people's experiences.
Weight gain is a common side effect of antidepressants but I'm not sure why. I've heard from a few doctors that it slows metabolism and makes us produce more ghrelin (the hunger hormone). Anyone know more about this?
I was prescribed Aropax (Paroxetine) for severe anxiety in my early 20s (initially 30mg, then 40mg) and stacked on 50kg in three years. Dieting and exercise helped but inevitably I'd lose some weight (10kg here and there) then put it back on.
I switched to Cymbalta on the advice that it was "weight neutral". I'm not sure I believe it is. I eat well & exercise regularly but somehow I am still in the overweight category of BMI. It doesn't make sense.
Would love to hear your experiences. Thanks everyone.
PS Has anyone lost weight by going off Cymbalta altogether or maybe switching to some other drug and if so, which one?