About 18 Years On Snri Total, 5 Yrs On Cymbalta. Looking For Advice On Weaning Off
Posted 17 May 2021 - 04:04 PM
I was able to get my covid vax and should be able to get the second dose before my next med change!
I was thinking of going down to 20mg cymbalta for a month then bead counting. not sure how I will handle the lexapro, I think it would need to be increased if I don't bead count but we'll see.
lexapro has let me be able to sleep but now I'm always tired. my thoughts are more focused, er well, kinda bleary/foggy but not out if control worrying. my ibs issues cleared up. still have to work on the agoraphobia and get used to outside stimuli but that's to be expected. so I'll probably want off of low dose of Lexapro. not sure if any other meds suit me... especially long term
anyways I'll keep updating as I go.
Posted 22 May 2021 - 09:09 AM
People have reported significant differences upwards of 10mg Lexapro - both good and bad. The general consensus is that the depression benefit require the higher doses, whilst 10mg can cover the anxiety in a lot of cases. It is a potent little number and should be increased gradually.
The idea is that the Lexapro sees you stable for those last few mg of the withdrawal, so as Hat said, hopefully this will have you covered as upwards of 10mg can bring its own withdrawal over time. You did the right thing in giving it a week before dropping, and yes, I would go the 20mg in a couple of weeks as the Lex is starting to kick in, and then bead count your way out.
Posted 13 June 2021 - 10:34 AM
I've been on a week of 20mg cymbalta, still at 10mg Lexapro. oh man I am so unmotivated to do anything. it's a real struggle to get out of bed. I'm hoping that's just the lexapro.
I usually feel ok after 2 weeks going down cymbalta so I'll try bead counting soon. (not this coming week but the next one) I'm trying not to rush it because I want off the lexapro so much.
is there a delayed withdrawal from cymbalta? like I was doing fine when I cut my dose in half but it was like 3 months later I had severe withdrawal symptoms...(the ibs symptoms, panic attacks) I *think* it was withdrawal, because they cleared up with Lexapro. I guess I'm asking if I should expect that again. possibly the lexapro will smooth those out? I'll probably wean off the lexapro right away but I could do it slowly (at least a lower dose)
as always, thanks for everything.
Posted 13 June 2021 - 11:27 AM
Hello CK, good to hear from you again. I am glad you are taking it nice and slow and easy.
The delayed withdrawal is unusual but does occur (10%?). Usually it remains a constant with each drop taken. The fatique is common during withdrawal, cross over or nearly any change in antidepressant dose. The good news is that it will decrease a lot when you finally stabilize on one dose for awhile. Keep track on the timing of your bouts of 'withdrawal symptoms' and the occurance of your IBS episodes. They could be related.
Posted 15 June 2021 - 05:58 AM
Hey Kitty,
All these things are subjective. It is possible that your system takes a while for the withdrawal to kick in, much in the same way it can take a couple of months when starting up. Traces of Cymbalta can be found in various places in the body when they are needed and thus can maintain more of a dose for some time, so as Hat said, whilst unusual, it still happens. Someone has to make up these stats and you could be one of them!
You don't mention too much about other symptoms of withdrawal which sounds like the Lexapro is taking the edge off. That feeling of not wanting to get out of bed... ahhh, I know it well. You know the best thing to do is to get up and get on with the day, but you just think "yeah, ok, but I will start that tomorrow - let me just have today". Then that extra day gives you more of a reason to carry it on and before you know it is a case of "I've been like this so far, what is the point in changing?". It is tough, so tough. In fact, the last 48 hours have been like that for me - don't know why - but I am trying my hardest to show my brain that this is no acceptable and that I will be carrying on with my day regardless.Really bothers me that I don't know what has happened to cause it though. That is one of my problems - I need to know!
But again, as Hat said, you should find that you level out with your meds and keep listening to your body - if you need to go slower, then do that. Will be interested to see what happens over the coming weeks, so please keep us posted!
Posted 17 July 2021 - 04:55 PM
I started bead counting about 4 weeks ago. I had counted about 130 beads in 20 mg tablets. I broke them apart and took out 5 beads per day and reassembled them. today is my first day without cymbalta!
Thursday I had 5 beads left, and as precaution, I took 3 beads Friday. I'm still on 10mg of Lexapro which I think was my saving grace.
my stomach/ibs issues are flaring up again...I feel clear headed but also emotional sensitive/irritable. my anxiety is been a little present but nothing like I was feeling before. I think the lexapro is taking care of that.
the lexapro still makes me feel like a puddle of jelly, so lazy, but I think I will probably go down to 5mg after a week or so when I feel comfortable, and possibly get off completely after 3 months. I noticed 3 months is when greater withdrawal symptoms come from cymbalta, so I want to diligently supervise that.
since my stomach problems are back..eating sucks...so I thought I might try 5htp to resolve that after some research. thoughts?
I don't know if it's appropriate to ask but ...what now? are most ppl off meds completely or what meds are considered safe? I'm focusing on behavioral therapy to combat my ptsd/adhd because no one wants to diagnose me adhd. (because of my ptsd) and I think because the medication treatment is probably worse than antidepressant treatment. hm...is there a place to ask about other medications? I trust you guys!
all in all, thank you for being there for me. this forum truly guided me well.
Posted 17 July 2021 - 05:10 PM
You are progressing well CK. For goodness sake don't rush coming off the Lexapro. Give yourself some time to be sure you can handle the Cymbalta withdrawal.
I have been slowly weaning myself off the psych meds over the last few years. In multiple discussions with my various psychiatrists I have seen a pattern to the recommended drugs to help with anxiety/ptsd. The "safe" drugs would probably be clonidine, hydroxyzine, buspirone and the ssri (if needed) withn the least side effects would be Zoloft. For ptsd the most important drug would be clonidine. It is specifically approved b y the FDA for PTSD. I have found it to be very effective and no withdrawal. I hope this helps.
Posted 19 July 2021 - 10:43 AM
it's been a dramatic difference in my anxiety getting off cymbalta so I am thankful/more than content for now.
- fishinghat likes this
Posted 22 July 2021 - 06:10 PM
Well done CK.... this is a great landmark to have achieved.
First up - just to echo what Hat said - for goodness sake do not rush into dropping the Lexapro - have a breather!!
You are likely to feel a rise in anxiety as you have gone from an SNRI to an SSRI - and whilst Lexapro does cater for anxiety, it does so in a different way than the Cymbalta and thus will result is something of an overlap. The irritability/anger phase is, thankfully, something we can look back on and amuse ourselves. I swore at a young student and made her cry, Hat punched his boat... we've all been there! It will pass fairly quickly is experience is to go by.
Hat has got you sorted on the line of meds, and for goodness sake don't let anyone prescribe you a benzo... Those ill-informed in the medical community may do so, but it is not a path to venture down.
Posted 28 August 2021 - 09:57 PM
my psychiatrist wanted to up the Lexapro but I said no, and we decided to try taking it at night.
big mistake!! I've started at night Aug 12 and the past two weeks have been a nightmare!! I couldn't believe there'd be that much of a difference.
last night I had a really long and awful panic attack... I felt at a loss because I had all my things (wet cloth, ice pack, puke bucket, fan for coldness, ocean sounds, etc) and all my skills did not help! it took hours for me to calm down enough to fall asleep. but since I changed to night I've been frequently having nightmares and waking up in mid panic. I think one factor last night was I took pamprin and ..I'm just really sensitive sometimes and I just felt out of control, like a bad drug trip. I took it because I've been finding relief in alieve and Advil and since I'm more sensitive during my cycle I thought it'd help...
so today I'm back to taking the lexapro in the morning and I can already feel a difference...I'm very confused but it is what it is...
I do have an emergency Xanax from being prescribed 10 yrs ago (it's definitely expired lol) but in my state of panic I couldn't find it...I'm feeling a bit down and suicidal because ...fuck my life. I feel insane. I feel like a child. I'm a burden. no one seems to understand, especially my drs. I'm just very miserable. I know I often try to preserve but...thinking about the relief that comes with death..I cant help but fantasize about it. I'm just ...tired.
anyways I'm just at a low point. Im not at risk to do anything because I'm paralyzed by fear. I'm just suffering. I want to keep updating until at least 3 months off of cymbalta. I'm in the midst of it! wish me luck. thanks for listening <3
Posted 29 August 2021 - 06:29 AM
What an ordeal Chao. So sorry for the rough time you are having. As IUN stated in a previous post, Cymbalta controls serotonin and norepinephrine while Lexapro only controls serotonin so there will be a period of adjustment (anxietyt) adapting. It should settle down in time though. Hang in there.
Posted 29 August 2021 - 12:53 PM
- fishinghat likes this
Posted 30 August 2021 - 05:50 AM
Hey Kitty.
I am so so sorry to hear what you went through there, and now you will have the aftermath which will bring its own issues. Taking them at night doesn't always work for some at it will reach its peak right in the middle of a point that melatonin will be dominant in the brain. We all know that serotonin reuptake drugs affect melatonin as so many people report sleep issues, but the truth is that no-one knows exactly what is going on. But the mechanism by with it operates topping out at a point when serotonin is not being produced may very well have adverse effects on people, so don't question it - there is nothing wrong with you at all!
The Xanax would have done squat - placebo effects notwithstanding. But certainly sounds like you could have done with a dose - might be worth considering it for emergencies, if you can hold it for that purpose.
You are certainly still suffering withdrawal effects which sucks, I really understand - been there and done it. But as Hat kindly pointed out that which I mentioned in a previous post, you have switched drug classes which can be a difficult move to make. It will improve and your resilience is admirable. You will be surprised what we can go through during these times, but I acknowledge it is a cliche, but it does make us stronger.
Posted 30 August 2021 - 01:31 PM
I think my doctor would only prescribe more Lexapro. would that help or should I hold out?
I'm honestly not doing ok but I'm surviving. I'm super sensitive to sound, if I do any mental body scan to see how I feel I immediately get panicky. I only feel okay in bed with an ice pack on the back of my neck, curled up in fetal position. haha sounds pathetic, huh? I can barely eat, my stomach sensitivity has gone up. I go to the bathroom right after I eat anything. I have a fan on full blast for the white noise. I usually relax in showers but it's difficult now. I usually smoke 8-10 cigs a day and a few bowls of pot but I can barely smoke a cigarette now. I feel like I have to constantly keep my mind in check and I'm guzzling sleepy time tea all day.
it's hard when you're in the midst of feeling like this. I truly hope time will help ease me. this reminds me of when I was cold turkeyed off Xanax but with less trembling from being tense.
I guess I'm used to bouncing back faster. any advice on what to accept from my Dr? I'm going to avoid the Xanax and any benzos... but should I increase the lexapro? I don't see why I should if I'm withdrawaling from norepinephrine.
also does this explain why I'm getting an increase in adhd symptoms before?? from the lack of norepinephrine? should I look into natural ways to increase norepinephrine? should I take a bead of cymbalta to help ease this?
thank you so much for your guidance 🙏 you have definitely reassured me from doing anything drastic in search of relief. just knowing its temporary is...a blessing.
Posted 30 August 2021 - 05:28 PM
Ifv possible, stay on the lower dose of Lexapro for 6 weeks to give it a chance to fully kick in before asking the dr to raise the dose.
By the way, smoking screws with a dozen different neurotransmitters (see ebook for details). So if the number of cigerettes is decreasing lately that will effect your withdrawal as well. That too will pass.
Posted 04 September 2021 - 07:24 AM
I'm keeping track of my nocturnal panic attacks and they do seem to be decreasing, but slowly. I'm easily stressed, too. I'm used to sleeping a lot (probably to dissociate) so this is really hard for me.
the only thing pulling me through these panic attacks is diaphragm breathing and a cold wet rag around my neck that I put some lavender scent on. oh and keeping my room ice cold with a fan for white noise.
anyways I'm just wondering if anyone knows why I can only sleep for 3 hrs at a time before waking up in panic?? I feel so insane and stressed 😫
Posted 10 September 2021 - 04:10 PM
my Dr has still not called me back...I've been able to sleep longer and the dreams have been less intense (they got intense from stopping smoking weed I think) but I still wake up, every time I wake up, panic! and I'm on edge constantly otherwise when I'm awake.
I'm constantly using my coping skills, I've basically been in bed curled up in a ball just trying to take care of myself. I only feel relief when I'm asleep. I have about 4-2 panic attacks during the night..(I started keeping track)
Im at my wits end. I'm so frustrated my Dr isnt taking my emergency seriously...I have tried really hard to be cordial by not leaving a bunch of messages/calling everyday...Its been two weeks and I've left messages last tues and today. time is going by so slow it feels like a lifetime. next week I think I'm just going to look for a new Dr?? idk.
I don't know what to do anymore I feel like my brains melting. I'm so tired, I'm so uncomfortable, I'm so miserable. I can't even think about killing myself in the moment of extreme panic/suffering because I'm convinced I am dying. actually I'm pretty sure dying would feel better than this.
what do I do?? should I take a cymbalta bead? would that help? I am so desperate.
I know Xanax is bad and doesn't help but I have one from (10) years ago that I've kept for extreme emergencies and I've been chipping off little bits to get by. seriously I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have this. I know a Dr won't prescribe me Xanax and I don't want it but it seriously has saved me from insanity.
I don't know if this is even panic. it's just awful. that's all I can compare it to. it's worse than a panic attack. it's like a never ending panic attack. it definitely fluctuates but man...I cry and tremble...my body is tense, I feel hot flashes... I'm going insane.
I can't even say I'd kill myself to get out of it because I'm so incapicitated. I almost get catatonic. it's ridiculous. help me what do I do...should I look for a new Dr ? take a cymbalta bead? 3 beads? I don't want to become dependent on the tiny bits of Xanax I'm taking...I guess I should've upped my Lexapro when my Dr suggested it 😭
I can't handle this anymore!
Posted 11 September 2021 - 06:01 AM
Hi CK....
I saw this last night and tried to stay awake to reply, but I was falling asleep on my keyboard!
First up - this sucks! I agree with you here, and I would seriously consider switching to another doctor. Any problems that require psychotropic drugs are simply not understood in full unless you have "been there and done that". I remember thinking "why would anyone be so afraid as to walk outside?", "why could anyone want to kill themselves?". I have now been in both situations - many times - I understand. But not everyone does. And this can include medical "professionals".
To address the Xanax - it has its place, but they can be easily be misused. As Hat will tell you, his network of doctors will simply not prescribe it due to the very nature - and I respect that. Here in the UK, you could get it like you were walking into a grocery store. I am half way through my withdrawal from 10mg (now 9 months). It can be a long process that requires a lot of patience. But a xanax tablet will be effective, at best, for 2-3 years. After that, it will do nothing. So anything you experience from what you have will be 100% placebo - which is fine and do you no harm as it won't be addictive!!
You have also reduced your cigarette intake which again, as Hat said, will bring about its own withdrawal, and if you have reduced your weed intake, that will for sure have a withdrawal. But do not question the Lexapro at this point. What you are suffering is a serious lack of norepinephrine which will be behind these issues. Serotonin is a mood stabilizer - different thing altogether.
So here is my suggestion - depending on your self-judged level of severity.
1) For some, a good quality KSM-66 Ashwagandha can do wonders - find something certified - start around 500-600mg upto 3 times a day. You can safely go up to 2000mg (2gm). My sweet-spot was 1gm.
2) Suntheanine is another potential, but is a bit more hit and miss. Works for some, squat for others. But another possibility. Again, do not opt for the L-Theanine - it is not standardised. Start around 200mg up to three times a day, up to a max of 600mg (1800mg/day).
3) CBD Oil - more potent than the others, but also more expensive. Again, can work better for others, but for some can be the answer to their prayers. You need a full spectrum tincture with published third party testing. I would suggest a 15% level to start for you. You simply put a few drops under the tongue and leave them to get into the blood stream. Works quite quickly. I can give you more information if required.
4) Alternatively, and I am suggesting this as it has now become a far more recognised means of supplementation, and is the miracle that bought me out of my darkness (along with my family here and my amazing, God-sent therapist). I have used Kratom. If you are unaware of its use, look at the AKA (American Kratom Association) website. This will tell you all you need to know. I can guarantee this will fix you. I can tell you everything you need to know having studied it from every angle. There are specific vendors I would suggest based on where you live and you will need to know which type to use and how much. Again, I can give you all the information you need for any of these. Please just ask.
I hope this guide is enough to give you some hope - and I am sure it will help you. My heart and thoughts are with you at this time.
Posted 11 September 2021 - 07:37 AM
I couldn't agree with IUN more. Great suggestions, especially th one about firing your dr!!
- invalidusername likes this
Posted 11 September 2021 - 01:02 PM
I'm relieved about the Xanax is just placebo. I know I'm very easily suspectable to placebo. I dont even mind...better than taking actually damaging drugs. I was really worried about the Xanax because I was prescribed for 10+ years and addicted, especially mentally. getting off of it started my agoraphobia episodes...
seriously it's such a relief just to have some compassion... my family doesn't understand and think I'm dramatic...I quickly apologize for my panic attacks after I recover...
Im definitely on my way of quitting nicotine, I can't even smoke or want to, so that's good. I have RSO, Rick Simpson oil, which is full plant marijuana extract. I can't even smoke weed and I mostly smoked to dissociate and sleep well. but my dreams are still crazy vivid but not nightmares anymore.
yesterday the feeling did pass...I've been having a hard time taking care of myself which makes me feel worse but yesterday I got my comfort food (pho) and took a shower, changed my sheets...I've been able to feel a little bit of relief... honestly I know I'm not 100% but just the little relief is like heaven, haha.
so in pretty curious about the norephedrine withdraw. I will have to look more into that...is there no norephedrine with a longer half life? like how I'm doing with Lexapro?
thank you for the other suggestions. I will look into trying those things. I've heard of all of these things before, but havent tried them. (except CBD) I know of someone who had a hard time with kratom though? I think they used it to wean off cocaine, but felt dependant on it... possibly abused it? or maybe psychological addiction?
as for the first one you mentioned, I think I saw that used for the long term affects of lyme disease I was researching for a friend.
and the L-theanine, I think Ive seen that as an adaptogen, I think they call it? haven't heard of suntheanine though.
I will take a look at the ebook to learn more about these specifically, too.
other than discomfort from this withdrawal...it's like panic attacks where I won't actually die right? like I said sometimes it feels like my mind is melting.
gosh I can't express how much I appreciate you, iun. thank you so much for your wisdom and kindness. thank you fishinghat for always being there. such a glimmers of hope. thank you thank you thank you ~~~~
Posted 11 September 2021 - 04:51 PM
Posted 20 September 2021 - 09:16 AM
so I need some advice...this is more anxiety medication related...
Saturday night I had an allergic reaction to something, still no idea what it was. honestly I think my dog got into something outside.but first I itched my eye and it started swelling so I took antihistamines and showered. hands got all itchy and I started getting hives on my wrist and it was happening pretty fast so we decided to go the ER because my epi pen is expired by 3 yrs. (my airways were fine tho)
well, as you know I've been agoraphobic since summer 2019 but since I was in a crisis I was able to keep calm (my weird cptsd anxiety super power) I mean I was still trembling and my heart rate concerned the staff lol and I practically told everyone don't worry I'm just very anxious. they treated me well. they just gave me steroids with bendryl. and honestly my adrenaline helped, I think.
anyways! on to the point- bendryl.........I was afraid I'd feel out of control since just a pamprin put me in such a bad anxiety attack but ohhh man. I haven't felt this calm in so long. I slept like a baby. my eyes are still a tiny bit swollen so I kept taking Benadryl (like twice after the er, all within guidelines direction on package)
it's just...that sweet relief... it reminds me of xanax.... today I woke up anxious and my first thought was "I wish I could keep taking Benadryl" and I feel ashamed but also frustrated...
I need to follow up with a Dr about my allergy because my eyes are still a bit swollen but...I guess I'm scared about mental addiction to bendryl.... ): I hate to admit but my addiction to Xanax for 10ish yrs was very mental (of course physical but way more mental)
or is this a good thing? that I can use bendryl for this reason when I have very intense anxiety? I will be asking my psychiatrist too.
kind of silly worrying but... any guidance and reassurance would be amazing. I'm very scared to be addicted like I was to Xanax. (when I got off Xanax I started having agoraphobia episodes) and has been a reason I have general medication anxiety (Drs treated me like drug seeker even tho they are ones who got me addicted, I just followed directions...)
thanks for your thoughts as always 🙏
- invalidusername likes this
Posted 20 September 2021 - 01:09 PM
Benadryl (diphenhydramine) is an antihistamine and is often used by our members to help with their anxiety. (see ebook)
It is not addictive but your body builds up tolerance to it within a few days but for tempoprary releif once every couple days it can be very helpful. It works on H1 histamine receptors which are involved with anxiety. A similar compound is hydroxyzine and its mechanism is very similar and if the Benadryl worked for you it is logical that the hydroxyzine would help also. Hydroxyzine is often prescribed for anxiety. I use it and it has been very helpful for me. You do NOT buildup tolerance to hydroxyzine so it can be used every day with no issue.
You might talk to your psychiatrist about this.
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