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Cannot stop crying today. Forced myself to go work in my garden and almost passed out from lightheaded feeling. Waiting for my bf to get home from work even though I know I will just be mean to him. God will this ever end?
Jun 27 2013 03:52 PM
Update: Went on a jog after it cooled off this evening. The first time in days i have actually been able to jog without stopping! Feeling the endorphins! Still having brain shocks, and a new symptom has started just today; stomach pain. Is this normal? So far the fish oil and ground flax seed has done nothing to ease the brain shocks
Jun 27 2013 10:21 PM -
I have terrible stomach pains. Vomited once. Only thing I have found that remotely helps us cannabis. And even that does not alleviate it completely. Helps slightly with the zaps too. Only very slightly.
Jul 13 2013 02:08 AM